Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Holiday STUFF

Couldn't come up with a better title for this post. A bunch of random stuff thrown together in the form of a blog post!!!

First up: Elf on the Shelf...

Our Elf, Manning, makes his appearance the day after Thanksgiving each year... this year he brought some placemats back out and some powdered "snowball' doughnuts...

Now, I wish I was one of those moms who was uber creative with their elf....each night coming up with some elaborate set up... but I am not.  I am more of a move-him-to-the-tree-and-then-to-the-mantle-then-back-to-the-tree kind of mom... but I have been TRYING this year to do a few things....

Here's a look at Manning this year...

Showing Andy that everybody poops!

Santa got Manning a football jersey so he set up a football game in the kitchen and played it while the boys were in school....

 He sat high up in the kitchen windows where he could see it all...

 He decorated the cabinets and sat up high...

He rode Sven and brought Frozen on Ice tickets...
Manning is great, but I don't think he is working quite as well as in years past.  I am hoping he isn't on the "outs." I will miss him...

Next up....

Cal had snack for his class last week. I tried to spice up boring snacks a little bit....I turned string cheese sticks into snowmen (Andy thought these were amazing)....

And I made little Grinch hats.... pinterest has you using a banana in between the grape and the strawberry, but I didn't want it turning brown before they could eat them. 

Third thing to mention that's a holiday tradition around here is my parent's Christmas card attempts... always fun and hilarious to get all 5 cousins together for a picture.  This isn't their final one, but I thought it was adorable...

This was a different night, at the country club, for the Polar Express...same jammies, different night!

Another tradition we have is the love feast at church.. I wrote about that in a previous post....but had to include this picture in his post. SUCH a beautiful service. 

And, my last little tradition I do is order a new phone case! I look forward to it every year!

A whooooole lotta randomness!


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