Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Labor Day at the Beach

We debated even going to the beach over Labor Day after everything that was going on with Grandma.  I didn't want to leave my dad to grieve alone.  He insisted on us going-- and I am really glad he did.  They weren't planning on coming down, but then felt like being with family was the best kind of medicine so everyone ended up meeting at the beach to be together-- and it turned out to be a good weekend.

I managed to hit quite a bit of traffic leaving town.  Finally when the traffic opened up, Andy fell asleep.  

Friday night, the kids played legos with Uncle Chris for a while.  Chris is a lego fool and Jackson has just started getting into them with his dad.  Cal was really interested in them...but only if Chris would play with him-- made me happy!

Chris is a dog lover like me so he got to spend some time loving on Bruce that first night....

Saturday morning we woke up with a text from my dad that Grandma had passed.  I wanted some time to reflect on it all so I headed to the store (I had both boys with me...not much reflecting going on, but I got to think about Grandma a bunch).  The sun was breaking through some clouds and these little rays were shining down-- made me feel like Grandma was watching over us.

After hitting the store, we went over to the beach for a bit to get some of the energy out.  This little guy loooves the beach! He had a great time there digging in the sand.

It was a little overcast to start the day, but it didn't stop these guys from playing hard...

 I think this is their happy place...

We had some friends who were down at the beach for the weekend come over to spend some time with us-- and we had a great time! We went out in the sound and wake boarded and kayaked around.  It was a fabulous afternoon spent with great friends.

Sunday morning, Cal woke up early and asked if Uncle Chris would play legos with him again... he had been thinking about it non-stop! How sweet is this picture?? Their conversation they were having was priceless too. 

We went to the beach Sunday and enjoyed the sun with our best cousins...

When we came back for lunch, Cal was ready to spend some time loving on Bruce.  These two are buddies already!

 Might be framing this one too...

 Sunday afternoon we went out in the sound and soaked in the last bit of summer.  It was heaven!

Eddie kayaked home and got Bruce so we could teach him how to swim out in the sound.

 Bruce did great! He loved being in the water and I foresee many many more times for him swimming around!

We came back to the house and there was a little birthday singing for yours truly and the kids ate some cupcakes.

Monday, we cleaned up and loaded the cars to head home! 

It was a great weekend spent with family and friends.  And that's what life is all about.

See ya later, summer.  Take the heat with you.


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