Except, the boys would have Advil, the temperatures would drop instantly and they were WILD and ready to play! They felt great!!! It was so frustrating! I mean, I don't want anyone to be sick...but if you are well enough to be playing like crazy, you should be in school....but you had a fever less than 24 hours ago!
Anyway. We went for a stroller ride and then ran some errands... we went to the grocery store together and actually had fun there- haha.
Monday was the last day of summer; Tuesday was the first day of FALL! We celebrated by making some orange cupcakes... (I was trying hard to come up with things to entertain these two!)
They LOVED getting to sit on the counters and help me pour the batter.
After baking cupcakes, we needed to head back out. Cal's passport expired when he turned 5 so we had to go through the process of getting him another one. And let me tell you: it is SUCH A PAIN to get a passport for a kid!!!! We had to make an appointment and since Eddie wouldn't be able to be at the appointment (he has been traveling a bunch this month) (and both parents must be present), we had to have a notarized form saying I had Eddie's permission to get our son a passport. Phew! So we headed to dad's office because his assistant is a notary. Dad wasn't there, so we took some pictures to send to him...
Then Andy found some oooolllllldddd glasses of Dad's- hahahaha
After leaving his office, we went to the UPS store to have Cal's passport pictures taken. You are no longer allowed to smile in your picture-- apparently they know no one is smiling when they wait in those custom lines.... I was cracking up and Cal couldn't hold a straight face. The first attempt he had the cutest little smirk, but the guy said it was not serious enough and his head was too tilted. Really. Seriously? Yes. Seriously. So I had to go stand on the other side of the store to keep him from smiling and this is what we got.....
We came home after the errands and while I got dinner ready, Andy got really quiet....and then this...
He had had a HUGE meltdown leaving the UPS store. It was ugly. He was worn out. His sleeping totally sucked this week. I mean, it always sucks, but it has extra-sucked this week. He is napping almost every day because he is SO tired from being up all night.
Tuesday, both boys were all better and we all headed to school: them to their classes and me to mine! We all had great days and headed home after school. I told the boys they could have the cupcakes we made on Monday. Cal devoured his.
And then he went upstairs to play football guys. He could play with these for hours and hours. It's pretty amazing...
Andy, still exhausted, took a killer nap. KILLER NAP.
He's so funny- one minutes he's wide awake and chatting away, and then the next he's really quiet and I look to find his sound asleep. When I say the nights have been rough, I am not lying. (sigh)
I had to wake him up to head to soccer practice. It was cold. Like, much colder than we all thought it would be. And it was sort of misting. We were all wearing fleeces and were still cold...Andy sat with me for most of practice since he was still trying to wake up, but then he ran out to play one of the games.
I taught my popup class Tuesday night outside and I was worried it would be freezing out there, but of course we warmed up quickly!
Eddie left to go out of town Wednesday morning before everyone woke up. While I got everyone ready for school, Andy played some beyblades....I could hear him shouting around the house "3...2.....1...let 'er rip!!!!"
Had to take a pic of Hank playing football too... he loves to lie on these fields-- go figure! ha
It was a rainy morning and we all had our hoods up-- the boys thought it was too funny not to take a picture on our way in to school...
After a workout, I ran home to get Bruce for a vet appointment. Puppies go to the vet A LOT! Who knew??? I didn't remember doing this with Hank all the time! Bruce was trying to make an escape....
He was much happier in my lap... I sent this picture to Eddie who commented that Bruce wouldn't be able to sit in my lap much longer-- so true!
After school we had an appointment at the passport office..always something, I swear!! It was cold and rainy and the last thing we wanted to do was go there, but we went and got that checked off the list! Cal walked in the door and immediately started playing football guys again. Think he's obsessed? He has started running actual plays now. It's funny to listen to him play.
Andy fell asleep again on the couch and Cal wanted to play as closely to me as he could. He wanted me to sit on the floor and play with him, but I really needed a shower-- I suggested he bring the football guys into the tub so Bruce couldn't get them and he could play while I showered. He couldn't get the field just right and FREAKED OUT. He was not happy! He tried to set the field up on my bed, but the guys wouldn't stand up. He FREAKED OUT.
It's hard being five, apparently! As soon as I got dressed, we sat in the hall and played. I had to put Bruce in his crate for a bit to keep him from eating the players, but it was worth it to have some time with just Cal.
Wednesday night I had to watch the Big Brother Finale....love that show! love love love!
Thursday morning started with some snuggles for Hankers... he is such a good pup. We definitely don't take him for granted!
I caught him in mid-yawn...looks like he is about to bite Cal-- but he would never! haha
Thursday we all went to school (and had great days!) and then we went to tennis. Soccer was canceled because of all the rain we've had. Cal likes to walk up from the courts to the playground and we meet him there. I let them play for a few minutes before heading to dinner to meet daddy who just got back in town!! Cal found a nice spot to hang out...
Friday morning I took this little guy out- he found a ball and was so happy carrying it around. Love that sweet face. Eddie had an early morning flight to head to the west coast for another trip so it was just me and the boys getting ready to go!
We headed down the road to school and Cal grabbed his baseball cap to wear in to school. I had to stop him before we walked in because I thought he looked so cute...
This whole week, Popup workout has been celebrating turning ONE! It's been going on for a whole year and it's been awesome. Friday's class was a FREE class and we had a great turnout- we took a picture after class...several people had already left, but this was a good number of the people!
After picking the boys up, I came home and unloaded the dishwasher-- Bruce was so helpful!
Andy, once again, crashed hard. Can you tell it's been a rough week by all the naps he took?! I had to wake him up from this one after three hours....
We went to the club Friday night and the kids did Kids Club. I had a great time eating with friends and relaxing a little. Eddie isn't getting home until Monday evening so I soaked up the few hours with the boys in kids club-- and they had a blast too!
When we got home, Andy wanted me to hold him- he wanted a hug. I can't turn that down- ever- so I piked him up for a little love. Cal said "that's a great shot, let me take a picture!" (think he's my kid???) so he took my phone and took this picture (and about 67 just like it)
Then of course, Andy wanted to take a turn with the camera....
I can't believe how big they look in my arms. When did that happen?? I read this article this week....I just want to soak them up while I can. You really never know when you put them down if that will be the last time you ever pick them up. Such a great read!
And, I saw this on my instagram feed and it made me laugh. I have stupid immature potty humor.