Monday, August 25, 2014

Weekend Update

We had a fun and busy weekend!

I taught a boat load of popup classes this week-- Tuesday night at 7, Wednesday morning at 6, Friday at 9:30 and Saturday at 9... I was worn out by the weekend, but I love the classes so it was fun!

Friday night, we had Brad and Will's birthday party! They had a magician come and the kids all thought it was amazing!

Well, of course Andy was terrified and clung to my arm crying until the show was over.  Then he let me know he was all good:

After the show, he found the veggie tray and made himself at home digging in to the goodies:

Soon, Jane came and joined them.  He loves a girl who loves green!

Cal had a blast at the party.  In his favor bag, he had some pop rocks-- his first ones!!- and he thoroughly enjoyed them! (see pic below-- face is covered, shirt is covered....and, can you tell he's tired?!)

After the party, we went upstairs and ate outside with some friends while the kids played.  They were MORE than ready for bed when we got home!

Saturday morning we were up early-- Andy is still not sleeping though the night (sigh) and it woke up Bruce...who is sleeping through the night just fine without anyone waking him up!

Bruce has taken a liking to Hank...

While I went to teach my class, Eddie took the boys to teeball! It was the last game of the season...and only our second one! We had been rained out many times and out of town the other times...oh well! They had fun while they were there... 

Both boys got a medal...even though Andy didn't participate much (at all), he was THRILLED to get a medal!

Eddie brought the boys home and then went to play golf.  I took the boys to the pool for the rest of the day and then we came home for baths-- Bruce helped! 

After much hard playing, he crashed...hard!

Sunday we headed to church... I really wanted a picture of the 4 boys...and I love these!!! I will be framing them for sure!

After church, we had lunch and then came home for a quick change of clothes.  Eddie and the boys went to play a little golf and I played with Bruce then headed to the pool...all by myself!!! I was there solo about an hour and it was fabulous!!!

Then the boys came and played so hard- Andy is back to swimming now and it just wears him out... he fell asleep before we were out of the pool neighborhood!

Sunday night, we watched Bruce continue to attack tell me he isn't a goooood dog. 

Annnd, come Sunday night, we were ALL exhausted!!!

Here's to a goooood week!


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