Sunday, August 10, 2014

Getting in a workout

Sometimes, a mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do to get a workout in.

This past Thursday, I was in need of some form of exercise and the boys were needing to get out too.  In hindsight, I should have just pushed them in the stroller.  But I thought it would be a fun adventure to let them ride their bikes while I walked around the loop in my parent's neighborhood.

When I walk this by myself, I can truck it and finish in about 40 minutes.  On Thursday, it took over 90 minutes.

We started off strong... it was a beautiful day and there was a little breeze.  Andy rode his strider because he still isn't great at stopping on his big boy bike-- and I didn't want him taking off down a big road and not stopping!

Then Andy decided to walk his bike. He was tired...or something. 

So then Cal got off his bike.  And sat down.  Said he was tired too.  And hot.  We weren't even half way done.  

So I was carrying Andy's bike, but couldn't carry Cal's too.  So we ditched the bikes at one of my mom's friend's houses and started to walk to the car.

But not before peeing.  They had to make an 'X' with their pee.  Gotta love boys!

And then we had to stop for a water break!

And by the end, they were sweaty messes so they ditched their shirts for the rest of the way.  

Pretty sure I never got my heart rate up, but it was quite an adventure with these two!

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