Monday, July 21, 2014

Weekend Update

We had another fun and busy weekend! Quick recap...


Eddie has been wanting/needing some new clothes and I told him he should go to the outlets in Mebane... so, he came home early on Friday and we loaded up the car and headed to the outlets! They are only about 20 minutes away, but we hit some traffic.  Andy couldn't keep his eyes open.  He crashed hard...and drooled like crazy on the way there!

Before we shopped, we stopped at Blue Ribbon Diner for some early dinner.  This place is yummy-- the boys loved it! The two of them both wanted to sit by me-- not complaining! I love it! (however there wasn't a ton of room for all three of us........haha)

I brought the double stroller for the boys and tried hard to keep them entertained in the first store while Eddie shopped. We made faces in the mirror...

These outlets are great because there are little play places throughout the shops for the kids.   The boys got to play here for a while and they were happy!

 To reward their good behavior (and because Eddie was craving one!), we stopped and got the kids (and Eddie!) a milkshake. 


Saturday morning was the swim meet! See post about that HERE.  While Cal and I got up pretty early, Andy managed to sleep (on the floor) until 9:20.  Eddie had the perfect morning! ha!

 Saturday night, we went to dinner with a group of friends-- 3 couples-- at this restaurant we've all been wanting to try.  It was SO SO SO good and we had a great time together! We had an early reservation so it wasn't too late of a night...thankfully!

We got no pics with the hubbies... whoops!


Eddie played golf on Sunday, despite the drizzly rain.  The rain meant that there would be no pool for me and the boys, so instead, the boys got haircuts! They were much much needed....
As soon as this woman started combing Andy's hair, he goes "you done now??" haha I love both boys with longer, shaggy hair...but Cal's was out of control long, and Andy really needed a trim too...

The other a hair washing at this place and Cal has never done it before....we did this time, and he was seriously cracking up the whole time.  This picture makes me smile....

And then this happened on Sunday...
 I am going to do a whole post about it eventually... but the boys are now sharing one room.  We are not combining rooms to make room for another baby. We already have a study and a guest room. We don't NEED to have the extra room-- but the boys NEED to sleep in the same room.  Sleeping has been a nightmare (pun intended) around here lately and something had to give....
 ...and last night they slept in their "new" room and both slept through the night and slept until 7:37! PRAISE!

We need matching bed spreads, I know... that will come...maybe.... until then....

We also moved the glider into Cal's old room.  Hank immediately crawled up in the chair.  Moving furniture around totally worries him.  He was flat worn out from panicking and decided to rest in the chair! ha!

Sunday afternoon we had the swim team banquet.  You can read about that HERE.

And then Sunday night....sleep tight, roommates! 

 Hope y'all had a great weekend too!


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