Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Big BOYS room

For a while, I felt like all I ever blogged about was sleep-- or the lack thereof.  Cal gave me fits for a while with sleeping, then Andy did... sleeping through the night is a rarity around here.  And most nights, when they wake up, they don't want or need anything.  At all.  Just to, you know, say, "hey, mom. What's shaking?"

Andy was waking up every.single.night and coming into our room.  We have a queen size bed which we decided a long time ago is not big enough for me, Eddie and a child.  So we established a rule that if a kid wants to sleep with us, he must do so in a sleeping bag ON THE FLOOR... and not in our bed. 
So, for a while, ever.single.night, Andy would go to bed in his bed, wake me up in the middle of the night and finish the night in his sleeping bag-- he would never just get it himself... no, no, no.  I had to get it all set up for him and tuck him in nice and cozy. 

There he is...all comfy cozy on the floor with Hank! (and my suitcases since we were leaving that morning for Myrtle Beach):

But then we headed to Myrtle Beach where the boys slept like this:
Together on a pull out couch.  Andy loved having his brother right there.

Then we went to the beach for the week and the boys stayed in the same room in twin beds. 

So, by the time we got home, they had zero desire to sleep in their own bedrooms.  Zero.  And it wasn't just Andy-- Cal liked having company too.

They started sleeping like this:

 Both boys in sleeping bags on Cal's floor. 

They were sleeping okay, but not great.  Still not through the night.  Cal would flail over and whack Andy in the head, or Andy would lose lala under Cal's sleeping bag.  And then Cal started complaining that he wasn't comfortable on the floor-- and we felt bad having two kids sleep on the floor night after night when they both have nice beds. 

So, we compromised:

We brought Andy's mattress in on Cal's floor.  Everyone slept on a mattress and everyone was happy.  Until Andy's pillow kept falling off the end of the bed... And until it came time for me to vacuum... I was trying to lift and move the mattress just to run the vacuum-- sounds so stupid and minute, but it was crazy annoying.  And every time I was putting away laundry (usually twice a day in this house!), I was stepping on and around the mattress on the floor.  I tried to "make" it every day by pulling up the blankets and tucking them in around the edges, thinking that would make it look nicer... it did- it made it look more inviting for the boys to come and jump like wild men on the bed every chance they got!

SOOOOOOooooo........ Andy's room is the bigger room, so it was decided we would move Cal's bed into his room.  I sold the changing table (thank you, facebook!) and rearranged a bit and then mom helped me move Cal's bed in.

I was super hesitant to combine rooms because Cal's furniture is brown and Andy's is white...again, this sounds just silly, I know, but the type A personality in my can't stand that!

All of my issues aside, I think the room turned out really cute... some day (when I know they will stay there...), I will get matching bedspreads....maybe....

The first night, both boys crashed immediately (we had had a big day!) and they both slept through the night and slept until 7:40.  It was a miracle! Eddie and I were super excited!

Last night, Andy woke up at 12:30 and asked to sleep on Cal's floor.  Once I pointed out that Cal was in the bed next to him, he went back to sleep.  Weirdo. 

We now have an empty room upstairs.... we moved the glider in there and Cal's bookshelf and dresser are still in there... Cal loves going in there and setting up all his football guys to play.  Maybe I will turn it into a workout room...? We will see!

Here's hoping our sleeping issues are on the mend......!



EMT said...

I feel for you....mothers everywhere read posts on sleepless nights in horror:) At least you will be guaranteed SLEEP this week on vacation!!!! Hope yall have a great time....and that the boys' new sleeping pattern works! And I think the brown and white beds look fine - but I know you will make it even cuter once they stay put together!

Allyson said...

Harper has the same bedding as Cal, so cute!! I haven't read your blog is a loooong time!! Miss you friend, hope you are rested and restored after the BVI's! By chance did you meet a girl named Ariel??