Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A long and busy weekend

This is not a complaining post.  Maybe it is.  I don't mean for it to be.  But maybe I will just complain a little.... ;)

Eddie played in a golf tournament at the club this weekend.  He LOVES this tournament.  It is his most favorite weekend of golf-- and I fully appreciate that.  I really honestly love that he has a hobby that makes him so happy (and frustrated, but we won't go there!).  I fully support him playing in this tournament...but it makes for a looooong weekend for momma!

Thursday night, he left the swim meet early to attend a dinner kickoff party thing: I took boys from swim meet for dinner/bath/bed.

Friday, I worked out (with kids) and had kids rest of day- Eddie played 18 holes on Friday.  We went to the club for dinner that night and I put the kids in the kids club.  I bathed them at the pool so when I brought them home, I just had to put them to bed.

Saturday was a loooong day.  Eddie left before the kids got up and played 36 holes of golf and came home after the kids were in bed.  LONG day!

Sunday, he had a later tee time, so he didn't have to leave until 10 and met us at the pool at 5. 

All in all, it was a long weekend! I am exhausted-- again, not complaining! Just making a statement! He had a business trip he had to leave for at 5:30 this morning too, so I am flying solo today and tomorrow too..... I am fighting a cold right now...I am pretty sure I am just run down a bit!

Here are some pictures from our weekend...

Friday, after workout, we went to the pool for a few hours.  After rest time at home, we came back to the club for dinner and kids club!

I enjoyed a few libations Friday night with my dinner so Saturday morning, I wasn't feeling 100% at swim practice at 9am.  The head was throbbing.

After swim practice, we ran by the house so I could take a quick shower and then we headed out to a birthday party at Pump It Up.

Both kids had a BALL there! Cal was running around like crazy, and I felt like I needed to keep a closer eye on Andy, so I only have pictures of Andy playing there...

After play time, the kids all got together for a group picture.  Cal and Andy sat like this in the middle of the group- so so sweet!

Then Cal tried to "help" Andy look at the camera...

After the group picture, we headed into the party room.  This little girl is Helen.  She was in Cal's class this year and they played SO well together at this birthday party! They were running all over the place together having a great time.

As we were leaving the party, Cal asked me to open his favor for him.  He was sitting in the car and I was standing there bent over opening his bag.  He reached out and slammed his door shut. On my head.

Did I mention the pain I already had in my head from the previous evening? It felt so so good.

Then, as we pulled out on to the main road, Andy dumped his favor (a bag of jelly beans) all over the car and was hysterical about it.  He was a screaming hot mess.  So I had to pull over and collect his dropped beans.

Needless to say, I was real ready for rest time on Saturday! Plus, Cal was up a ton Friday night-- a TON-- so I needed some rest time too!

After a good rest time, we headed to the pool for the afternoon.  It is super easy to feed them and bathe them at the pool and then we come home in jammies and ready for bed!

Enjoying some post dinner ice cream cones:

Sunday morning, Andy woke up and decided he was ready to paint the bad tasting finger nail polish on... we didn't argue! We quickly painted it on and then I decided we would go to the pool in the morning and stay the whole day if we could- power through nap time so he would be SO exhausted that night that he would have no choice but to sleep through the night since he wouldn't be sucking his fingers to soothe him to sleep...

We got to the pool at 10:30am and we left at 7pm.  I would say that was a full day! The kids did GREAT and had so so so much fun.  A ton of friends were there and everyone was happy and easy.  Andy wanted me to spend a lot of time in the big pool with him jumping to me-- which is fun for me for about 8 minutes, but then my arms get worn out from lifting him out of the water again and again.  And for him, it never gets old!

Since I was in the water for much of the day and socializing with friends the other part of the day, I didn't take any pictures. 

This was Cal after showers-- he could barely keep his eyes open! He was one worn out kiddo!

He got home and into his jammies and threw on some shandes for good measure.  Stud. 

 As for Andy, he crashed hard...
and woke up in the middle of the night to pee....when I tucked him back in, he rolled over, sucked his fingers and went right back to sleep.  Apparently, the polish can wear off if you spend a day in the water at the pool. 

It was a good weekend even if it was tiring.

I get so upset with myself for getting frustrated with the kids.  I hate when I yell at them or when I am sarcastic or when I am short tempered.  I am so disappointed in myself for not soaking up each minute with them. 

This morning they saw a bunny in our neighbor's yard.  Hank was sitting by the window watching and Andy was in the middle of getting dressed so he ran into the room naked from the waist down and Cal went running over in his pjs and it was just about the best thing ever.  My boys--all three of them-- lined up at the window in absolute awe over a little bunny.  It made me want to cry that I found such joy in that-- and makes me want to appreciate the gifts that I have right in front of me!

These boys are my life-- and they don't deserve my frustrations or my short temper.  I love them more than I can say...I need to start acting like it!

Sorry for the ranting post.... didn't intend for it to turn like that! ha!

Oh, and Eddie did have a great weekend golfing!!! He loved the tournament and had a blast playing!


1 comment:

EMT said...

Oh - I feel you here! I am also fighting a cold (will I ever breathe again???) and often feel like I am too hard on myself about parenting. I always worry that I get too frustrated too easily and I would DIE if Emma ever felt that from me. Brent reminds me that kids have a very short memory (and attention span) so if I do slip up...all the hugs and kisses and smiles and tickles I give her will be remembered more (right?!?!) You're a terrific mom - and we are all human! Hope you feel better and have a good week!