Monday, May 5, 2014

Nap Time

This is a judgement-free zone.  Okay?

Nap time everyday for Andy was a battle.  A straight up battle.  I figured maybe it was time to drop it altogether, but when he wouldn't nap, I would pay the price right around 5:00.  Things got ugly.

But I was so sick of fighting that daily battle!

And then one day I let him watch a movie on the couch.  And within 3 minutes he was out cold.  And then the next day, he asked to have rest time.  ASKED to rest.  He curled up on the couch and was out almost instantly. 

I am sure pediatricians around the world are cringing.  I am sure I am doing some form of lasting damage. 

But you know what? The kid takes a great nap on the couch! He loves it! When he was in his bed, it was taking me at least an hour to get him down and then we had the struggle to get him to sleep at night again.  It was exhausting and I didn't want to spend an hour of my day fighting with my sweet guy. Clearly, he still needs the nap since he is back to taking one almost daily. In the past 7 days, he has napped 6 of those.  And on the day he didn't nap, he rested upstairs in the playroom on the couch with Cal. 

See how sweet he is when he sleeps on the couch...??

Why am I overly obsessed with taking pictures of this kid sleeping?? I think he just looks so peaceful and sweet!!!


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