Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

Wishing each and every single mom, mom-to-be, mom-wanting-to-be, grandmother and caregiver out there a very happy Mother's Day!!!

We had a really nice day! 

I told Eddie that I wanted to sleep through the night the night before Mother's Day and the night of Mother's Day! Ha! It's the little things in life, right?? The boys have both been getting up multiple times a night (sigh) so a night of sleep sounded like heaven. Eddie did it so I woke up a happy momma on momma's day!

There were some adorable beaded bracelets I saw that came in a pack of three. I took a pic of them and told Eddie three bracelets for the three "sons" in my life- hahaha. He got them for me in pretty blue colors and I love them!! 

The other bracelet is from my in laws-- how amazing are they?? Loooove my new cuff from them with my initials on it. 

We decided to head out for a brunch with the fam. It is Carolina's graduation this weekend on top of Mother's Day so we knew it would be hard to find a spot. We ended up eating at this little place Eddie had been wanting to try in carrboro. It was yummy- and we got to sit outside which felt so good!

After riding around a bit enjoying the nice weather, we came home and cleaned out the garage. This sounds so lame, I know, but it needed to be done and it was SUCH a beautiful day. We really enjoyed being outside all together. 

For whatever reason, the second we got home, the boys stripped down to undies, added boots and were good to go! Who knows...?? 

Cal shot hoops while Andy rode his bike. 

I mean... This kid...

After cleaning the garage and watching Eddie bathe hank, we came in for some rest time. The boys rested and I went on a walk. It was such a beautiful day!!

We went to dinner at a new place which will now be a favorite and just had a great day!!!

I feel incredibly lucky to get to be a mom. I realize this is an honor and a privilege that I have and I really want to try to do it right every day. Of course that isn't possible but it's a good goal. 

And to my own mom... 
Thank you for loving me unconditionally so that I know how to love my children unconditionally. I can only hope and pray to be half the mom you are. You are truly the best. I love you!

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