Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter Weekend at the BEACH

Cal was on spring break last week and Andy didn't have school on Friday, so we headed to the beach for a long weekend! Andy had an Easter Egg Hunt at school on Wednesday- Cal and I went home while he was at school and loaded the car and cleaned the house (ps- it was soooo nice to come home to a vacuumed, mopped, dusted house....!). We picked Nug up at noon and hit the road!

Before school- Andy was feeling a bit Superman-ish/Woody:

 The trip down was uneventful-- a nice treat for me! The car was LOADED-- Easter baskets, two boys, a dog, two bikes, two scooters, a strider bike, plus our bags....! Eddie was coming down Thursday night-- not sure we could have fit another person and their things in the car!

When we got there, it was beautiful out-- a little windy, but the sun was shining so we played outside for a little bit.  The boys were SO excited to be there and to see Henry!

Thursday morning we woke up to the sun shining! Again, it was windy, but the sun was warm so we got up and got ready to play outside! Well...I sent Cal to get ready to go and found him in this rocker, looking out the window like an old man.  He got half way undressed and then sat himself down for a little rock.   

Andy loves to drive this little car- LOVES it.  He is a really good driver too-- he can navigate anything! He drives by smiling and waving and laughing....it's hard not to smile at him when he is so happily playing!

 My dad was taking a golf cart ride so the boys jumped on too- I love this picture of them! Great smiles all around!

Mom and I had a great time watching everyone playing...we cracked open a bottle of champagne and finished it by noon! How cute is my mom? Love spending time with her.

Grandpa and Cal got on the hammock together- Cal didn't want to sit there for long so I grabbed a quick picture before he bolted!

We spent the rest of Thursday playing outside-- everyone was exhausted at the end of the day!

Friday morning we woke up and Eddie was there- yay! He came in late Thursday night.  We all walked down on the docks.  I took a few pictures with the boys...Hank jumped in too!

We played hard all morning and then I took a long walk with my mom and aunt.  We came home, fed the boys lunch and then Andy took a great nap.  He curled up on the couch and was OUT! 

We had some of our friends from here who were down at the beach over for an Easter Egg Hunt.  We had THE best time hiding the eggs! Thankfully the weather held out for us too!

The boys displayed incredible amounts of restraint! They saw all of the eggs and we made them wait on the top deck for all of their friends to arrive-- they were pointing to all of the eggs and screaming when they saw more.

Almost everyone arrived! They were waiting on two more kids...I made them all put one finger on the truck to try to hold them back.  It was so funny watching them inch forward with a finger touching...

 Everyone is there and ready!

After the hunt-- showing off their loot!

Andy immediately sat down and started eating his food.  He totally did not *get* that you can save some for later.  He was afraid I was going to take it away, I think.  He shoved literally about 12 jelly beans and 4 chocolate eggs in his mouth at once.  Eddie was freaking out-- he kept saying "you have GOT to explain this concept to him, Carrie! He is going to eat everything at once!!!" Well- you try explaining that to a two year old.

Andy got out his truck and took turns giving different ladies rides around the yard.  He was SO happy cruising around in his truck! He even let Alston drive....

My parents got this swing and it is incredibly awesome.  It is a HUGE hit and I think we are going to ask for one for our house too.  The kids all LOVE this thing.  (Jill G- if you are reading this-- you have to get this swing! Your kids will love it! Promise!).  These kids had soooo much fun swinging together!

Andy cruising again with Kenan....

Then, the love machine got into the swing with Nora-- I should add here that Andy wanted NOTHING to do with the swing when other people were on it... he only would be on it alone- and no one could push him.  But he climbed right up there with Nora! And then he didn't want to get off!

A group pic with the kids and their parents....

Everyone stayed until about dinner time and then headed home.  It was so much fun! A tradition I hope continues every year.

Saturday morning we woke up to torrential rain.  It was pouring like I have never seen it pour before.  The wind was blowing like crazy too- good thing the egg hunt was over!

The boys asked Grandpa to make pancakes-- Andy offered his services too.

We headed to the aquarium (along with every other person on the island!).  Andy was in heaven the entire time there.  We have gone a million times and hasn't really been in to any one part.... but this trip, he couldn't get enough.  We had to drag him from exhibit to exhibit-- he wasn't ready to leave any of them!  I love his little hand on the glass in the pic below.  The sea turtles were swimming by and he was in awe. 

We came home and ate lunch and he crashed again.  I don't know why I always take pictures of him sleeping... maybe because he looks so peaceful...and QUIET...

After rest time, we dyed Easter eggs! We looked over at one point and Cal had his entire hand submerged in the dye!

Baths followed the egg dying...after baths, grandpa and nug got some snuggle time in. 

The Easter bunny came Saturday night... 

After the kids went to bed Saturday night, Hank was asleep on the floor and Henry kept inching closer and closer to him-- he was getting braver!

 Hank just wanted to sleep and Henry was not having it! He wanted to play or cuddle.....or possibly nurse...?

Love this pic from Easter morning.  My mom gave them the cutest little baskets-- these workerman hats were in there.  

Ever since Disney, Cal has been requesting legos.  He saw some at the lego store at downtown disney.  I got him a Lego Juniors kit- Eddie offered to "help" him put it together.  Let me just tell you.... Eddie + Legos does NOT = happiness! HAHAHA! He was SO proud when he put the last piece together.  We were all very proud of him... you can see how much "helping" the boys did!

We headed home around lunch time on Sunday.  The rain was still pouring down so we hit the road.  Andy passed out early into the drive and slept for about an hour.  That should have been my sign he wasn't feeling well.... the stomach bug hit him late Sunday night....

And, judging by how the rode on the way home:
it will be traveling through our fam in no time!

We had a great weekend at the beach with the family.  Got me SO excited for summer at the beach!!


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