Saturday, March 15, 2014

Spring time calendars

After a little lull in activities, spring time is here and we are cranking things back up!

I like having activities for the boys-- especially sporting activities that will help burn some energy.  My friend Rachel (hi, Rachel!) wrote in her blog about exposing her son to a variety of different sports to let him decide which he likes best, instead of just pushing him in one direction or another-- plus, as she put it, it helps them become a more well-rounded athlete! Well said, Rachel!

So, this spring, Cal started taking tennis lessons! My mom was SO excited about this! She was waiting for him to be old enough to start and he is this spring! We are taking lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15-4:00.

We have also started soccer again for another season-- this time, Andy is joining in on the fun too! Soccer practices are from 5-6 on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

So, our Tuesdays and Thursdays are busy-- and there isn't much time for a nap in there...I am hoping all of this activity will create some good sleepers....???!?! (please? PLEASE?!?!)

 Cal's first lesson:

The first soccer practice... the weather here has been so weird.  One day is it freezing cold (above picture) and then it is nice and warm and sunny (below picture)...

All of the ducks getting ready to play!

After practice... trying hard to get a picture into the sun...

Another tennis lesson... he really is loving it! Asks all the time when he gets to play again!

And, I guess it was time for another run in with the pavement for Nug.  He took a spill at Cal's school this week-- straight into the ground.  Poor kid.  Doesn't faze him much and it sure isn't slowing him down!

The Ducks had their first game this morning.  Andy started off SUPER excited...

There were some jersey issues... but they should be figured out soon....maybe?

Cal loved it and was right back where he left off-- getting dirty and running like crazy.  He loves playing soccer! He scored a goal, but of course I didn't get it on video.  

Andy went in and played great-- he ran towards the ball (as opposed to away from it) and was running around like crazy.  Then he came out for a water break and said he was ready for his snack.  I guess he remembers last year when Cal played, at the end of the game, the team all got snacks... I explained that snacks happen AFTER the game.  He did not appreciate that answer and burst into tears.  Screaming, hysterical tears. 

When he went back into the game, he pushed a kid and then stood in the middle of the field with his arms crossed crying.  Screaming, actually.  Eddie ran out to get him, which really just pissed him off further.  He stood on the sidelines for the rest of the game crying asking me to hold him-- which I wouldn't do because I was trying to video Cal.  Such a mean mom.  Then Andy heard someone mention Chick-fil-a and he perked right up asking if we could get some... I think the poor kid was hungry.  Note to self-- give him a snack BEFORE heading to the games...

We picked up CFA on the way home and had another little tailgate party.  They LOVE eating in the back of my car- weirdos!

I love having a busy schedule and keeping lots of activities... seems to keep everyone happy to be busy!


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