Sunday, December 22, 2013


This month is FLYING by and I swear, I don't ever remember being this busy during this time of year! Our days have been filled and our weeks packed with activities.  TCU did not get to a bowl this year, so we weren't traveling in December-- so I am not sure why I have been feeling so busy!

Eddie's family is all coming in for Christmas-- his mom, dad, sister Carrie, sister Tricia and Tricia's husband Tommy are all coming to us this year! I am so so excited....! My family lives here and I am sappy-- having all of the people I love so much all together in one room is just the most amazing feeling.  I told you-- sap-tastic! Whatever.  I can't help it!

Back to this month... the blog has taken a back seat, yet again.  I will just do a post with lots of pictures from recently... it's all I got right now!

I had two little elves helping me make Christmas cookies-- we kept it simple and they used the ready made snowman and reindeer- ha! They had a blast placing them on the cookie sheets while singing Christmas songs...

And and I were both wearing stripes and he kept saying "we da same! just like me!" haha

Typical Saturday morning: personal space is over rated.  Also over rated? Make up. And real clothes. 

These boys love to ride bikes-- LOVE it.  Cal rides a strider bike and Andy rides a bike with training wheels.  Cal can balance for long stretches on the balance bike, so we think he is about ready for a bike sans training wheels (ya listening, Santa??).  Andy rides his little bike like  7 year old-- he is fearless and fast.  You can sort of tell in the below pic, he hunkers down and zooms.  His little legs are crazy speedy fast.  We are thinking it might be time to move him over to Cal's strider bike...

This past Sunday at our church we had the Moravian Love Feast.  The kids did SO well in the service.  There's lots of music and stuff to see so they all loved it.  Andy stood on the bench and held his hands in prayer:

Just another day at our house-- driving down the road with a football helmet on!

Cal helped me set out the luminaries in our neighborhood.  Our 'hood does such a great job with luminaries.  I think in the entire neighborhood, maybe 4 houses didn't do it.  It made it so fun to ride home through all the lights!

My car was over due for an oil change.  The Jiffy Lube is next to the Dunkin Donuts.  Perfect way to kill a few minutes!

My sweet Christmas puppy.... I love this dog.  

Every year, my mom and her friends do a girls' party.  Last year, some of my friends who grew up in Chapel Hill, decided to start a tradition too.  We had ours on Tuesday night and it was so fun!

I wore big heels and I felt (and looked) like a giant!

 The following morning, Cal had his Christmas performance at his school. It was soooo sweet! It was really crowded and his class was on the front row, so he was hard to see from my seat-- thankfully I had some friends in the front row who sent me videos... we have watched them a ton!

We did a trip to Target where the boys really wanted to help me....

Thursday was my mom's girls' party-- she looked adorable, I thought...!

Friday, when Andy had his last morning of school, Cal and I ran to Trader Joes to stock up for CBs arrival.  I thought it was hilarious to load up a kiddie cart with wine...hahahaha

After our TJ trip, we went to Andy's Christmas sing along.  He was coming down with a cough the day before and was coughing pretty good during the songs.  

Andy was so sad saying bye to his teachers-- I told him I would take a picture of him with Ms. Nicole so he could look at it over break.... 

The weather today is just eerie.  It is WARM! Like, in the 70s! Cal was going to  a restaurant to watch some games with Eddie this morning-- he looks SO old to me!!!!

 The house is decorated, I just wrapped the last present (I actually just found one more to run out an get this afternoon....) and I am about set for Christmas!!! Eddie's parents get in tomorrow: let the fun begin!!!


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