Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Andy update

We are still waiting on movement from Andy.  His tummy is FULL to the max so it's got to be coming soon.  He looks pregnant. 

He went to school today... he was SO excited to go.  I mean so so so excited.  He ran into the room and straight to his teacher to hug her.  It was awesome to watch! I informed the teachers about everything going on in an email the day before (I seriously have never written about feces so much in my life!), so they were prepared to take him to the potty as needed. 

Today was picture day at school and when he was eating his lunch at home I asked him to show me his smile for picture day:

I love that kid.  He is so darn cute.  But if he doesn't start sleeping better, this momma is going to go crazy.  He was up from 3:30 on last night.  Insisting that I sleep on his floor.  His floor is really comfortable and all, but my back aches and my hips have bruises on them.  Not to mention I am pretty exhausted.

He has gotten down more laxative today, so we are hoping/praying/pleading for something today.  His last poo was the enema-- the doctor told us he would be pooping up a storm after the enema.  Something ain't right.

We have contacted a pediatric GI specialist and are waiting to hear from her.

Thanks for the calls and texts and comments-- and again, I apologize for the million posts about this-- it helps me to document it all though.  And also, it will explain to you why, if you see me out, I have huge bags and dark circles under my eyes.  Makeup is not helping these bags.

Pray for poop!


1 comment:

EMT said...

Hope you get some rest, answers, peace, etc... soon!! Praying for you! And if anyone asks about your sleep-deprived appearance, tell them you are doing no-make up november!! I just read a great blog on it, but of course could never actually pull it off myself!