Thursday, September 26, 2013

it's about that time.

y'all just prepare yourselves.

I feel like I was JUST writing posts on Cal potty training, and I believe in one of them I wrote "in no time I will be training Andy...!" Well.  Guess what.

Home boy is ready.  

His mother? Not so much:

I mean, I am ready to be done with diapers and man-sized dodo in diapers, of course.  But I am not ready for the rest of it... the accidents in public, the meltdowns that follow when he doesn't want to stop playing to go pee, the battle of the pooping on the potty, the sitting and waiting...and waiting...and WAITING. The crying:

A while ago he started expressing some interest in the potty.  He would announce when he went-- totally normal stuff.  He had never peed on command or gone in a potty for that matter.  He had pooped on the potty a few times (we gave him a suppository to help with a stop up and he ran to the potty to go...tmi? sorry.  go read another blog).

This week, he has been more into the whole *potty* thing.  He was telling his teachers every time he went and then got so bold as to remove his diaper himself once he soiled it-- thankfully just with pee. 
At soccer on Tuesday night, I was telling a few other moms that I thought potty training was right around the corner for us and out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Andy, pants down around his ankles with his diaper waving in the air.  He said he peepeed and didn't want his diaper on any more.  

We came home diaper-less and he immediately peed on the floor.  Eddie and I had a brief team meeting and decided to do this.  It is, after all, a joint effort and both of us had to be on board.  That being said, I had a party Tuesday night and left just after feeding the boys dinner (hehe- sneaky, right?).  I wasn't at the party for 4 minutes when my phone rang Eddie's ring tone.  I stepped out to answer it and Andy was on the phone "I peepeed in the potty, mommy!" And so it began. 

He went to school Wednesday where his teachers told me he told them that he had to go, but didn't make it to the potty (he had a diaper on).  We went out for family night at the club last night and he told us over and over (and over) again when he was going.  A friend of mine observed this and said "you are crazy- that boy is ready to train! Why is he in a diaper?!"

And so, after another team meeting, Andy was put into big boy underwear today when he woke up.  He thought these were amazing.  They had Mickey Mouse on them and he was pumped. 

I decided to go about my normal day and I would just pack a bag of extra clothes to take with me wherever we went. 

He peed on the potty four times before 7:45 this morning.  Every time he did it, we would cheer and he loved us cheering.  I was SO excited! This was the confirmation I needed that he was ready (as if both grandmothers and teachers telling me wasn't enough).

We went to the gym and I took him to the potty as soon as we walked in.  He didn't go. 
I worked out for 20 minutes and then came to the childcare room to see if he needed to go, he said yes, so I put him on the potty and he didn't go. 
After I finished my workout, I went to the room and sat him on the potty again-- still nothing. 

Crazily/bravely, I took the boys to Target.  I walked directly to the bathroom (I might start a chart to see how many bathrooms we hit a week), and he was kicking and screaming the whole way.  He did NOT want to go potty there.  I told him he didn't have to try, but that me and Cal really had to go.  We both went and then without asking, I dropped his pants and hoisted him on the potty.  He kept saying no no no no, so I said under my breath "I will get you a cookie if you peepee." His little ears perked up and he said, "a cookie??" Then proceeded to pee like a race horse on the potty. 

I was so proud! He got himself a cookie and we finished up our shopping list!

After target, we were supposed to meet a kid from Cal's class at chick fil a to eat lunch and play.  I was nervous about taking andy, because I feel like no kid would ever stop playing to go to the bathroom.  We walked in and went straight to the bathroom (where is that chart of mine??) where he peed again and then ate lunch.  Both boys were done with lunch quickly and went into the play area.  Our table was right next to the door so I could watch them.  Andy came running over to the window and banged on the glass and said "I PEEPEED!!!!!!" while pointing to his crotch.  I told Cal to stay put and hoisted Andy under my arm and hauled rear to the parking lot to change him.  I explained that it was okay he had an accident, but next time we would try harder to go into the bathroom.  He agreed (like he knew what I was saying).  I feel like that accident was totally my fault, though.  If we had just gone home, he probably would have gone on the potty.... so I take blame for that one. 

We left after a few more minutes (and Cal's friend not being able to make it) and went home.  I got ready to put Andy down for a nap with a diaper on and he shouted out "I need peepee!" I took him to the potty and he peed like crazy! That's got to be something, right?

We have soccer practice this afternoon and we were going to go to dinner afterward.  Pretty ambitious for our first day of training... we may be setting ourselves up for failure.  But maybe he will surprise us...?

Two things I do know...

you've got to wash your hands....

and stick together...

wish me luck....and wine!!!


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