Monday, August 19, 2013

Random pictures from the iPhone

Sickness is still hitting our house.  Yesterday was day 3 of CalBoy having a fever, and it was around 103 all day.  I took him to the doctor today and he thinks it was just a virus, but Cal also has developed a huge welt-like thing under his arm, so he looked at that and thought that was from some sort of infection, SO we got on an antibiotic.  Whatever it takes to kick this thing! We have NINE more sleeps until we are back on an airplane and we need to all be healthy. 

Cal's fever is weird-- yesterday, Advil would bring it down to about 101, but the only way we could get it below 101 was a bath... so we had a bunch of baths yesterday trying to manage this thing and keep Cal comfortable. 

All of that said, I don't have much to report to the ol blog... so I am going to share pictures from my phone since we've been home from Mexico...

These two can fight/bite like little terrors, but when it comes time to snuggle, they can be SO sweet.  Andy loves laying his pillow on anyone/anything to snuggle up.  

No.  He didn't peepee.... but I thought his little tan lines were pretty cute while trying...

More snuggle time.  I love my dog...

Heyyyy, sweet pup...

After bath time, they were helping me do laundry...

Rest time ended, but he wasn't quite done resting...

I went in to check on Cal the other night and this is how he was sleeping...

 I moved him to the other side and this was his after...

Andy woke up from a nap and thought grandma was going to be here.  She wasn't.  

These boys love their daddy!

We were heading outside to play-- Nug found some boots and was ready to go!

Andy loves to drive this truck!

Going to get the mail...

Brothers in boots!

Hopefully, I will be doing a post tomorrow saying we have had a fever free night! Momma is looking forward to sleeping! ha!


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