Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Captain Black Tooth

Sigh. I know this what life with kids--especially boys-- is all about.  Booboos are going to happen.  I know, I know. 

A few weeks ago, we were at the pool in the shallow end playing.  Andy was having a ball holding on to the wall, while standing in the water and jumping around.  I said, "Andy- be careful or you will hit your mouth on the wall!" And he immediately proceeded to do so (reminded me of the time Chris and I were running through the house to race to the bath tub and he grabbed the back of my shirt-- my mom said "someone is going to get hurt!" and then Chris let go, sending me flying into a door for my first set of stitches...).

Anyway.... Andy cried for all of 4 seconds, I looked in his mouth, nothing was loose, nothing was bleeding, so we continued on playing and I didn't think much more of it. 

Eddie came home that day and immediately noticed a little chip in the bottom of Andy's tooth.  I did not notice it when I looked in the pool, but there did appear to be a slight unevenness to his front teeth.  Oh well.  Chalk it up to being a kid.

Then, about 10 days after all of this, Eddie walked in the door from work and looked at Andy and said, "his tooth is turning black." Sometimes Eddie can sort of over exaggerate (I am saying this lovingly), so I thought it was just a shadow-- and also, I had spent the entire day with the kid-- I think I would have noticed his tooth turning black. 

Apparently not.  Because it sure was turning a nice shade of grey and I sure did not notice it the entire day together. 

Since then, it has turned a few shades darker, which is really attractive.  Did I mention it's his front tooth.  Like, front and center? Yeah. 

The above picture doesn't really do it justice.  I will try to get some other ones of him showing it off.  A friend of ours is an orthodontist and he happened to be at the beach this weekend.  I asked him about it during a cookout/get together and he laughed and said it definitely wasn't going to go back to white-- if anything it would just get darker.  YES!!!

Just the first of many more booboos to come (sigh...again).

It just adds to Andy's personality!!!


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