Wednesday, July 24, 2013

bliggity blog

hi! I have been SO bad about blogging lately.  ugh.  Whoops.  Eddie has been traveling a bunch the past two weeks and he had to take the laptop with him when he went...and I do all of my picture uploading and blogging from there. 

Here's what's been going on around here...

*we went to the beach last weekend.  It was sporadic and super casual-- we threw everyone in the car and headed down Friday after the boys had camp.  It was a really awesome weekend.  It was so low key, but that's what made it so awesome...

*the boys did camp last week at our country club.  They went Monday-Friday from 9-noon and they both loved it! I picked them up on Friday and Cal was full on football tackling one of the counselors there.  They were both sweaty and happy and exhausted.  Can't ask for much more!

*I posted before about Cal passing the swim test.  Well, we put a mask on that kid, and he is like a fish in the water.  He spends more time under the water than above it.  I am seriously impressed with his swimming! I think he will be on the swim team next year for sure.

*Andy, not one to be left behind, is trying to get his swim on too.  He is completely fearless at the pool-- no shock there, right? He walks in to where the water is to about his chest and then jumps up and goes under...and sits with his bottom on the pool-- and stares up with big blue eyes from under water.  And he can hold his breath a while too! It's wild! I am working with him on swimming (and not just sinking) and when I hold him on his belly and tell him to put his face in, he fully submerges his head-- eyes open and all-- while kicking along.  He doesn't want to be left out!

*Cal had a date with my mom yesterday to Chuck-e-cheese.  Last year, my mom would take one grandkid a week and spend a special day with them.  Cal told me randomly that he missed those days with grandma (how sweet is that?!?!) and when I told my mom, she immediately made plans with him! She even took him to Target (the boy loves some target!) and got him a batmobile.  He is in heaven.  What a good grandma.

*Andy has started kissing girls on the lips.  And when I say girls, I do not mean family members.  And when I say girls, I mean adults.  He and Cal hug the manager at the gym everyday.  She squats down, they run to her and throw their arms around her neck.  Well, today, Andy leaned in with his mouth for a kiss.  She turned her head and he screamed, "no. LIPS!" Then they went to the child care room and when I picked them up, Andy hugged Alyssa, the childcare worker.  He then asked for a kiss and she turned her cheek to him and he reached around with his face in hers and went after her lips.  I think we have a girl crazy one on our hands. 

And this is random, but it's been on my mind lately...

Things I never want to take for granted:

-the health of my family
-my health
-my relationship with my mom

*And finally-- this could go on the above list, but it seems silly to add this to that stuff-- I will never take for granted a good babysitter.  I think the really really good ones are hard to find and impossible to replace.  Our go-to girl is leaving for college in a few weeks and I am sad.  I am actually really really sad.  I trust her to feed/bathe/and get my kids to bed.  I trust her to take both kids to the pool by herself.  I would leave my kids with her over the weekend if I needed to.  I had another babysitter come when my regular couldn't and this girl, bless her heart, put Andy's diaper on backwards (that MUST be soooo hard to do, right??) and the house was a mess when I got home.  I do NOT expect babysitters to pick up my house--at all! But it wouldn't hurt to take their dirty plates from dinner and just toss them in the sink...would it?? The clothes the boys wore were strewn down the hallway-- I mean, can't you just throw them in the general direction of the laundry room? Or maybe even-gasp-in the hamper?!?! So, I do not take my fabulous babysitter for granted one bit.  I am just going to have to groom these other ones a little bit :)

*Also, we leave for Mexico on Sunday with the kids.  Can't wait for a vacation-- not sure how Andy will do flying.... this will be his first time with his own seat on the plane.  Let's hope we leave his terrible twos at home.

And I will leave you with this picture my brother in law sent me...



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