Monday, April 29, 2013

Sweet Brothers

Cal and Andy really are best friends. No one can make the other one laugh quite like they can.  They play together, they laugh together, and ohhhhhh BUDDY, they FIGHT together.  It's what siblings do, I know.  A friend came over the other day and was shocked at how rough these boys are together.  Actually, I think she might have been appalled.  Andy grabbed two handfuls of Cal's hair while trying to bite him and Cal shoved Andy down as hard as he could-- right into the corner of the banister...
So most days I feel like a referee.  I am breaking up one fight after the other; kissing booboos and coaching apologies (maybe I should rename this blog....??).

But then, one afternoon, after dinner, we went for a wagon ride, at the boys' request.  I heard Cal giggling as I walked along and finally turned around to see what was so funny.  And this is what I saw...

I swear to you, I had no part in this.  I was honestly, blown away by the sweetness.  Cal was looking the other way and had both arms around his brother, who was resting his head on his big brother's belly while happily sucking his fingers and holding a car.  Is this not the sweetest thing you've ever seen?

I love Cal's hands rubbing Andy's back and his head and how he pulls Andy's fingers out of his mouth so he can answer me...

At the end of the video, you can see Andy get up.  I thought he was just over the snuggle time and was ready to bolt, but he actually turned himself around to sit down in Cal's lap.  And Cal let him! And Cal wrapped his arms around his waist for the remainder of the ride!

That night at bath time, they were wild and messy (and filthy!), but they were such....brothers.  They were cracking each other up and talking in a language that only they could understand. It made my heart so happy to see these two being best friends. 

These two are going to fight a LOT more, of course, but I also know they will just get closer and closer as they grow up. And that makes me sooooooooooo happy.  I am a lucky momma, that is for sure!


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