Wednesday, April 24, 2013

quick beach trip

Despite what i wrote in my last post, I decided to be brave and take the boys to the beach-- by myself-- for the weekend.  I mean, I wasn't by myself when I got down mom and dad were there and my brother and his kids were there.  I was just by myself in the car.  Which, seriously, shouldn't be a big deal.  It really shouldn't.  I have friends who do loooong road trips with their kids solo ALL the time.  But when you have a kid like Andy who just loves being in the car, it makes it challenging!

We had a soccer game on Saturday, which was going to be canceled due to Friday's rains (which were looming), and Eddie had golf plans on Sunday, so it would be just me and the boys on Sunday.  The pollen here has been just awful so our time outside is rather limited... so, I decided very last minute to just hit the road.  I threw a few things in bags and loaded up the kids and left....with tornado warnings directly behind me.  My parents have moved into the new house down there and I was itching to see it!

For the first hour of the drive, Andy did not scream once.  This was nothing short of a miracle.  I was kind of stunned, actually. 

The 3 hr, 15 min drive took just over 4 hours. We had to stop for dinner (some nutritious Happy Meals!) and then Cal said he had to peepee (thank GOD for little boys! We pulled over in a gas station and he peed in some grass so I didn't have to lug everyone in the place!).  About 45 minutes before we got to the beach, I was smacked in the head with a hamburger-- it felt great.

We arrived right about 7:00 and the kids were sooooo happy to be there with their cousins! Andy and Cal had some serious energy to burn when I let them out of the car! My dad, who called me while I was on the road and heard Andy in the background "talking", met me at my car with a big ol' glass of wine.  Daddy's know.  

We took the kids down in the basement and they rode on some toys-- just burning energy!

After the kids went down, Chris and I took the golf cart out exploring.  We had the best time together this weekend.  We never just get to hang out together and we had a ton of fun being stupid and immature while we were down. 

Golf carting...

We woke up early Saturday morning and the weather was less than desirable-- it was chilly and raining, but honestly, no one cared! Jackson and Cal did some major puddle jumping and the boys rode the plasma cars down the driveway a million times.  

Miss Catherine and RooRoo...

After the puddle jumping, everyone was wet and cold so we did a bath and got everyone in dry clothes.  The decided to get in this chest to play- ha!

Then we attempted rest time.  Jackson and Cal will eventually share a room, but for now, they are sleeping in separate rooms.  I gave Cal the iPad to help him rest.  I came up the stairs to check on him and this is what I saw.... Jackson snuck in to play on the iPad with him...

Andy took a good nap and when he woke up, everyone was enjoying a little ice cream.  Grandpa helped him...

Then we were back outside and we took the kids for a golf cart ride... Catherine and I wore our TCU together...

Me and Chris looking at the beach...

Chris and the kids, all ready to go!

We did some serious playing outside when we got back.  Chris and I raced each other down the main driveway while the kids sat on the wall observing.  Chris hooked up his computer to a speaker so we had music playing for us...

Andy and I rode the helicopter car together too-- he was in heaven with his curly hair...

Sunday we woke up to the bright sunshine! The sun was shining, but the wind was BLOWING! And it was cooooold wind! We didn't care though! We had a blast playing outside! Mom brought out a bunch of beach toys and we dug around on the driveway in the sand.  Cal built quite the castle...

Andy was showing grandpa a few things on the iPad and the other kids all gathered around to see... I love how Andy's and my dad's arms are both up.... 

It was SUCH a fun weekend at the beach and it got me so excited for this summer down there.  My mom rode home with me and helped with the boys a ton.  It didn't take as long going, thankfully...


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