Sunday, April 14, 2013

A busy Saturday

Eddie left for the Masters Thursday morning, so I had a few full days of flying solo with these two wild things. 

We had a very busy day on Saturday!

It started with some early snuggling on the couch...


And then I did some vacuuming while these two pretended I was chasing them with the vacuum...

Then we headed out to Cal's soccer game...
 (only got one picture of the game because Andy wasn't having a great time watching Cal run around, and once he saw me take a picture with my phone, he wanted to play with it immediately.  When the game was over and I had to repossess my phone, a pretty significant meltdown occurred.  Like, mega-meltdown. And of course, we had to park way far away and had to walk past six different fields--holding a thrashing kid in arms--to get back to our car. I was SPENT when we got everyone buckled in)

After nap time, we had Ava's birthday party! We all know how much Cal loves Ava, but it became apparent that Andy loves Ava's little sister, Abigail!

Cal got some good birthday hugs in before we had to leave early...

 I had one of our babysitters meet us at the house at 6 to keep Andy so Cal and I could head out on a date!

Our *other* babysitter, Kate, was having her senior violin recital and invited us to come.  I knew immediately that Andy wouldn't be able to handle sitting still that long, but I had a feeling Cal would, so we left Andy with a sitter and headed out.  He got to wear his favorite Superman belt and he was thrilled! (and, I should say, the babysitter who stayed with Andy took him outside and on a wagon ride so he was having WAY more fun than he would have with us!)

Cal had been pretty awful all day Saturday.  He is normally soooo well behaved and well-mannered and something about him was  He was talking back, arguing with me--about EVERYTHING, and just being difficult! Everything I said, he would respond with "why not??" For example:
me: we are about to turn here and then we will be home!
cal: why not?
another example:
me: be careful in the garage because it is slippery
cal: but why not?

you get the point-- every little thing was a debate or an argument.  And a few times I asked him to do something and he responded with "no way, Jose!!" ummmm.....seriously???

He was on my "list" around nap time.  I had to walk away and count to 10 (many different times)...phew!

SO, I was worried about taking him to this recital, and on the way there, I was thinking over and over again that I was going to regret it.

However, Cal sat on my lap, perfectly still for all 45 minutes of violin music.  Kate was absolutely stunning and she did such a fabulous job.  She is truly talented.  I saw her play way back in 6th grade when I taught her and I knew she was good then, but we were really blown away last night.

After she was done, I had several (SEVERAL) people come up to me to compliment me on how well behaved Cal was.  No one could believe a 3 year old could sit that still for that long.  Kate came right over to Cal and gave him a huge hug and we gave her a bouquet of flowers. 

We got a few pictures with our favorite girl... Cal was so happy...

There were about 50 people there and they were all watching him pose with Kate... haha

After we left the recital, I thought we should continue our date night with some frozen yogurt! Cal thought this was just the greatest thing ever.... froyo with just mommy! He chowed down on some chocolate with oreos and sprinkles.  

We were home by 8:30 and he went to bed immediately.  All of the excitement of the day wore him out!

It was a really fun and busy day and I am so thankful the weather was as nice as it was.  Now if this pollen can just all blow away.....



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