Friday, September 14, 2012

A few of my favorite things...

Every now and then it's good to share your favorite things with others, right? Obviously, my MOST favorite things are my boys (ALL of them), but these are other than those guys....

 For dinner...

Kraft Fresh Takes

 Super yummy and super easy.  There are several different "flavors" you can try.  Just for those who are always on the hunt for what's for dinner...

For working out...

I hit a major slump in my gym routine last week.  I had zero motivation.  I still went everyday and worked out, but I was bored out of my mind.  I just couldn't bring myself to do another 5 minutes on the treadmill.  Soooo, I found this blog and really liked her circuit workouts.  I have done this one twice and liked it:
cardio and abs workout
blog website

The thing I like about this one in particular is you can do it at your house-- just do the crunches on the floor instead of on the ball.  However, I did this one at home the other day and the plank jacks gave me massive rug burn on both elbows.  I look ridiculous. 

For your face...

This stuff is amazing.... the mint tingles and the rose smells great.  Love it.

For your nails....
OPI Nail Polish - E41 Barefoot Barcelona
Barefoot in Barcelona
 LOVE this color.  It's very neutral... I ordered it from amazon since I couldn't find the color anywhere and I am a huge fan. 

This was such a random post.  I just feel like when you find something good, you should share it with others so they can enjoy it too! Hope y'all find some enjoyment... just let me know if you try any of these things...also I would love to know some of your favorite things too!

Have a great weekend! Calboy turns THREE this weekend so we will be celebrating our boy... pictures to follow, obvi!


1 comment:

EMT said...

I also use the fancy shake n bake packages and love them! I even divide it into 2 bags after I mix it (before the chicken) so that I can use it again later in the week.....and the best part is that the meat is even tastier as a leftover:) I might have to do a similar post on some of my faves as well:) Thanks!