Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A great week!

Oh, buddy, it's been a good week. 

And I LOVE having good weeks.  (who doesn't, right?!)

Let's see..... Cal started back with camp on Tuesday and had a GREAT time.  He was SO SO happy going there-- he ran to the building, ran down the hall, greeted all the teachers and ran into his classroom... he was slightly confused, however, when he was told that wasn't his classroom any more, but he picked right back up in the correct room. 

Andy's favorite place to read: Hank's bed.

I've been a wee bit of a mess trying to figure out how to get ready to go on our trip, run errands, and clean the house before my mother-in-law came to town to keep the kids.  I have been wearing myself thin lately (quit bitching, right??), so Eddie suggested this weekend that we should have the maids come.  I've never been so turned on.  Kidding.  Actually, I am really weird about that kind of stuff and usually when he suggests that, I take offense, like I am not doing my "job" around the house.  I know it is ridiculous...hush.  This time, however, I took offense for all of 8 seconds and then agreed that we should.  And, I will tell you, is the best 100 bucks I've spent.  I came home from picking Cal up at camp to a SPARKLING clean house.  When I clean, it is impossible to have the whole house clean in one day.  I can dust and vacuum in one day, do the bathrooms another day, mop the kitchen another day.... but this.... this was ALL one day.... ahhhhhhhh...

It's the little things, really...

nugget and momma
Then, today, I had my favorite babysitter come after the gym this morning to keep the boys so I could go try on bras and get my hair done.  The thought of bra shopping with bozo1 and bozo2 just made me crack up... so I did that solo, and, while I did not enjoy the SIZES of the bras, I was able to find a few that fit.  Thanks to pregnancy and nursing and weight gain and loss, none of my bras fit.  Not one. 

On Tuesday, while Cal was at camp, I took Hank (with Andy) to the vet.  Hank, being the beast of a dog that he is, freaks out at the vet.  I was pushing Andy in the stroller, doing my best to keep all wheels on the ground.  There was another dog in the waiting room when we walked in, so Hank immediately started pulling towards him, and I was holding on to his leash with the same hand I had on the stroller... sheesh! Good news,  Hank has lost some weight (although he still has about 5 pounds to go...and also, he got a summer haircut, and I think that accounted for the decrease in poundage).  Bad news, Hank has a yeast infection in both ears.  GAH-ROSE! We got some meds and will be squirting it in Hank's ears this week.

causing havoc at the vet

"what are you worried about, hank??"

"let's talk about it..."

hank: "i am not amused."

hank: "maybe if i stay on the bench they can't see me"


Of course, having both the dog and the wild one at the vet together wasn't easy.  Andy wanted out of the stroller immediately.  And Hank, being the scaredy cat that he is, only wanted to be on top of me.  So I sat on the bench, trying to keep Andy out of the dog treat stash while Hank tried to get on my lap (all 90 pounds of him), while Andy got jealous and started hitting and screaming at Hank.  Then, anytime I would be sitting with just Andy, Hank would come running over and start bucking like a bull against my leg, which made Andy furious.  The vet tech commented that she has never seen a boy and a dog be so jealous over each other.  Only in the Williamson circus.  Oh, and of course, we couldn't leave the vet without a poopy diaper! While I was changing Andy's diaper on the doggie table (sigh), I noticed his weight (it was a scale table)-- he is almost 28 pounds.... Cal, 20 months older than Andy, weighs 31 pounds (at last weigh in).  I have a feeling Andy will be passing Cal soon...

Hmmm, what else from this week? I made a killer guacamole Monday night....yummm.... I am on my own for dinner tonight since Eddie has a late work thing... not sure what's on the menu, but I imagine it involves a drive thru.

yummy guac
Eddie and I are SUPER into the Olympics this time.  I don't remember being this into them last time.... maybe I was... I don't know.  But we don't ever watch TV together.  He likes news and weird murder mystery shows (first 48) and I like reality TV (big brother, bachelor, etc!), and funny shows (modern family....).  So, we usually do not watch TV together.  The Olympics have brought us together on the couch! We are having the best time watching everything.  The only problem-- we can't fall asleep before midnight, so we have been exhausted! We can sleep next week....ahhhhhhh!

 And then, in case you aren't having a really great week, maybe this video will help....
 it makes me smile!

 I sure am going to miss these boys next week!

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