Thursday, August 16, 2012

A Circus Act

I often describe my life as a circus act.  Really, all you can do is laugh.  So I am going to share with you some pictures to demonstrate my point...feel free to laugh.  (and THIS is why God invented wine!)

Just, you know, chilling with a bucket on my head.  Hard to look smart doing this....

 Trying to walk in Lightning McQueen slippers.  Apparently he refused to remove these when Mimi stayed here....

Wrestling match with Mickey...typical...

Ignore me while I type out this email real quick...

 Let's ALL watch dad mow the yard...and even though there are TWO windows, we must all look through the same one....

 See this picture? Looks like all fun and games.... see the gash on Andy's head in previous post? That (the gash) was a result of this fun, brotherly time....

 Because Mama ca not be trusted to shop without her helper...who eats the cookies and tries to push with his belly....

 *Someone* learned how to get up on chairs....

*Someone* does it ALL.THE.TIME. now...and refuses to hang on to anything... and tries to dance....all while perched on a chair.....

 This is meal time around these parts...maybe I should change this post title to ZOO life...

And after dinner....*someone* learned how to crawl up on the table....

For the record, Cal has NEVER gotten up on the table, and would never even attempt it.  Andy attempts it every single second we are downstairs...literally. 
Can't turn your back around here for long...

I also got a video of Andy standing on a chair in the middle of the kitchen dancing to "All The Single Ladies." I'll spare you on here, because while I was filming, he stood on one leg and shimmied, and I shrieked because it is scary to see your one year old standing on a chair on one leg while dancing...amiright?

Tomorrow night we are having dinner with another couple and their two kids, and a realllllly good friend and her husband, who are expecting their first in a few months... I am kinda worried they are going to be re-thinking their choice to have kids after this dinner!

Just get some clown shoes and pour yourself some wine, sistah!

(is it Friday yet??)

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