Tuesday, August 21, 2012

15 month check up

Yesterday, we had Andy's 15 month check up.  The last appointment we had there took a while, so I loaded up a bag filled with snacks, books, toys, etc, and I also brought along a huge bin of dinosaurs to help entertain Cal, since he would be joining us as well.  Of course, since I was prepared with activities, this appointment was super quick-- go figure!

Andy put on quite the show for our doctor, showing off his climbing skills on everything in the room.  He did not care much to be weighed/measured and he was really unhappy with the shots.  BROKE my heart.  Cal also got the flu mist while we were there, and he took that without a problem.

Andy is doing great growth-wise... he is in the 85th percentile in both height and weight (and 95th in head circumference....ahem.....).  He weighs 25.7 pounds (which I thought he weighed more than that...), and he is 32.5 inches long. 

After the exam and the shots, we were out of there! Easy as could be!  I tried to take some pictures while we were there, but most of the time was spent catching Andy as he dove off of the chair...repeatedly...

setting up shop for the dinosaurs to attack

they found this thing amazing

still crying, back in the car... how dare that mean nurse stick you??

back home, some good snuggle time, all in one chair, makes everything all better!

SO thankful to have a healthy baby!

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