Friday, July 20, 2012

Bad Momma

Just in case there was ever a debate, I will not be winning mother of the year this year. (dang it!)

This award will not be given to me for a number of reasons (sigh), but the event I am about to write about seals the deal. 

Last night, Andy went down around 7:20 and he was exhausted. 

At 10:00, we heard Andy cry out, but then get quiet.  I glanced at the monitor and saw he was on his back, which I thought was odd since he sleeps on his tummy, but I figured he was just so tired that he didn't care.

I always go in to check on the boys before I go to bed every single night.  Andy has been waking up when I go in his room, so I have been cracking his door, listening for him to stir, then quickly shutting his door before he fully wakes up.  Then I check the monitor one more time before bed. 

After cracking his door and listening to him move around a bit, I went to the monitor and saw he was still on his back, but sleeping fine. 

He cried out a few times in the night, but each cry was brief and when I looked at the monitor, he was sound asleep, so I thought he was fine. 

He woke up this morning around 6:45, which is way too early for him to get up, but he sounded mad, so I went in to get him.

BLESS HIS HEART- his leg was stuck in the crib slats! He looked exhausted, like he didn't sleep well at all and I could not get his leg freed.  I was trying to keep him calm, but he was really screaming, the more I tried to move him around.

Once it was finally out, his little feet were ice cold since there was no circulation down there the whole night and you could tell his leg hurt-- I was imagining that feeling when your leg goes to sleep and then you have the pins and needles feeling while it "wakes up."


I felt terrible.  I still do feel terrible. 

He is totally fine today, obviously, and thankfully, but sheeeeeesh! I felt like a BAD MOMMA!

And now I know I'll never win Mother of the Year Award. 

And I also know I will be going into his room every night again. And repositioning the monitor so I can see his whole body....


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