Wednesday, June 27, 2012


When I started my workout kick back in January, I started taking Zumba classes at the gym.  I had taken them before with other instructors, and liked them fine, but the instructor at my gym was FAB.U.LOUS.  He was the most amazing gay black man and he made the class SO MUCH FUN (I mention the two description words- gay and black- to paint a picture of him, and for no other reason).  He is an opera singer as well and he actually got a role up in New York so he left our class. 

We were lucky enough to have the woman who trained our instructor take over his classes, and WOAH, she is AH-MAZING too.  She gives us such a hard workout, but it is so much fun, so no one really notices that we are soaking wet when the class was over.  She has the best music and has endless energy, so her classes are just FUN! No other way to describe them (other than a@@ whooping). 

Both of our instructors had to miss classes here or there, which is totally understandable, obviously.  But the subs they got were horrible.  Like, didn't break a sweat, never got my heart rate up, didn't even smile, kind of horrible. 

That got me thinking, I should sooooo do this.  I could do this better than she can, right???

Well, that little idea was planted in the back of my head...

THEN, our current instructor announced that she was moving this summer.  We were all suuuuuuper disappointed...and terrified that she was going to get one of the bad subs to take her spot full time. 

I emailed her one afternoon and asked what it took to become a Zumba instructor.  She was wonderful and answered a ton of my questions and was really encouraging....I followed up by emailing my first instructor, Maurio, to pick his brain a little.  He was also super encouraging...

Next thing I know, I am registered to take a Zumba certification course all day on Friday!

I have no idea if I will get classes of my own or how it works, but I am really excited about it! I assume I will probably sub some to get used to it all and then maybe start getting classes-- really have no idea what to expect, but I am excited!

Also, my teacher told me to start working on a song and once I had it ready, I needed to do it for the class, just to get it under my belt and for practice (since if I did get an entire class, I wouldn't want my first time being in front of people to be my first class!).  Soooo, I came up with a routine and I am doing in at class tomorrow....!!!! EEEEK!

I am excited and also really nervous.  This class has come to expect these amazing workouts each week and I am scared they won't like my stuff, or it won't be hard enough, or the music isn't good enough (I love the song, and I am also worried it is a bit raunchy for some....). 

Also, Zumba is supposed to be 70% Latin in each routine...I don't really do Latin.  I do hip shaking, booty moving, hip hopping.... so I am nervous about that too....

I realize that anyone reading this probably doesn't really care about this, but I had to share some of my insecurities and worries.

I will let you know how tomorrow goes and all about training on Friday.  Did I mention that it is ALL day?  I check in at 8am and it goes until 5:30 with a 30 minute lunch break.  Honestly, I think it is going to be like a mini-vacation... that is a LONG time for me to be away from the munchkins!

Also, I vow to never wear shoes like these:

What do you think? Am I crazy??  Would you take my class?????

Shake on, my friends....


EMT said...

Yeh for you! I think that is awesome, and shows a lot of courage and confidence! I would certainly take your class..and i have actually never done Zumba! I am too scared to try it:) Let me know the details when you start teaching and where! Have a great training day Friday!

Steph said...

Umm I would totally take your Zumba class :) awesome for you!!

Allyson said...

I have seen your water aerobic moves and I would SO take your Zumba class!

Brooke said...

I need to put you in touch with my friend, Leslie. She is also a Zumba instructor and I want to be in your first class!!!