Monday, May 7, 2012


Today was one of those days where if it could go wrong, it would go wrong.  It got to the point of almost being comical.  I have decided to write about it, just to get it out of my system, so that I could let it go and move on! (let me pause and take a sip gulp of wine...ahhhhh)

I swear I am not going to make a habit of using my blog to vent, but this is one of those days that I hope to look back on some day and laugh...

The day started out fine: Eddie had early appointments, so he was out of the house early, leaving me with the boys-- totally fine and normal.  They were both up a little earlier than I would like, but whatever, that is nothing big. 

We went downstairs for some breakfast and that was all fine...Cal was insisting on some cinnamon cereal in a bowl... I had NO idea what kind of cereal that I brought out every box of cereal in the pantry and had him pick from there. 

After breakfast, we were playing in the family room and I was enjoying a few sips of my diet coke-- I do not drink coffee, so diet coke is my morning drink (don't judge)...and I savor those first sips (you can judge that was lame).  Annnyyyywayyyyy.... Cal decided he wanted to sit on me and Andy pulled up on the side table next to the couch.  I was trying to get Cal comfy when Andy started to get excited about something (I think there was music on the Today Show that got him riled up) so he started bouncing up and down, rocking the table like crazy.  I freed one of my arms from Cal and grabbed hold of the lamp that was about to go flying, but I couldn't grab the diet coke.  It took off flying off the table (the kid was really rocking the table!) and spilled ALL over him, all over a huge bucket of toys and into a basket of magazines.  Coke was everywhere.  I yelled as the lamp was about to go-- more like a gasp-- and I think the whole scene scared the ba-jesus out of Andy and he became HYSTERICAL screaming.  This upset Cal, so he started crying.  Hank was still waiting to be let out to pee, so he was at the front door, also crying/howling.  Seriously, I had all three boys crying before 7:30am.  I tried to calm Andy while wiping up with mess with Cal trying to climb in my lap.  Y'all, it was quite the scene!

So while holding a whimpering Andy, we decided to let Hank out to go to the bathroom.  I was still in my robe, by the way.  Cal wanted to come with us because he loves letting Hank out (and I can't wait until he's old enough to do it all the time!).  Well, Hank saw a squirrel and took off towards the backyard/mudpit.  I screamed at him, which scared the still-whimpering Andy and set him off again.  About 25 neighbors walked by at this point with me (in a robe, holding a baby) trying to wrangle Hank, calm Andy and answer Cal, tugging on my robe, saying, "what's wrong with Ahn-dy? why he crying? where is hankers? he go find squrrrrrrrel?? hankers coming? oh no! my feet dirty like hankers!" After wiping off feet and calming everyone down, Andy was spent.  You could tell just by looking at him that he was exhausted.  I put him down for his morning nap (even though we are supposedly dropping that) and got ready for the day.

After cleaning the house and getting everyone ready, we headed to the gym.  I dropped off the kids and got into my workout on the treadmill when my phone rang and the person left a message.  I listened to the message while still going and I about fell off listening... it was the appraiser...waiting for our house... for our 10:00 appointment.   Eddie set it up last week and called me to tell me, but I was at the grocery store with both kids checking out, so I never wrote it down.  Eddie and I both forgot this morning, unfortunately.  The appraiser measured the outside and then was willing to come back in the afternoon so that I didn't have to race home (which I offered, several times).  After that little discussion was behind us, and I apologized profusely, I went back in to workout. 

Cal had been talking about a hamburger all morning...why? I have no idea.  The kid wanted a burger, I guess!  When I went in to pick him up at the gym, he asked for a hamburger immediately.  So I agreed since he was a good boy in the childcare room and they said he was a great listener.  We headed to Wendy's, all the while Cal was in the backseat talking NON-STOP about his hamburger.  I pulled into the drive-thru and started ordering. You know how you sometimes raise your voice when you order? Well, Cal was in the backseat "ordering" too, just as loudly as I was.  He started in "I want a hamburger! With fren-fries! And some apple juuuuus!" I guess he thought he needed to repeat that order over and over again-- bless his heart, he wanted that hamburger!  He was even trying to lean out of his window towards the speaker while he shouted.

We headed home and the boys got in their seats for lunch.  I opened Cal's kids meal and there was a crappy little toy, about 8 french fries...and nothing else.  THEY LEFT OUT THE FREAKING HAMBURGER! Oh, I was HOT mad, and I would have driven back there, but it was too far away for a quick trip and Andy was hungry and ready to eat right then.  I prepared myself for a meltdown from Cal, but instead, we had the following conversation:
me: ohhhhh, no
Cal: wass wrong, mommy?
me: they didn't give us your hamburger.
Cal: oh, reallllly?
me: mommy is really sad, Cal. That makes mommy upset.
Cal: I sorry mommy.  I so sorry.
me: Calboy, you don't need to be sorry, it isn't your fault!
Cal: that's okay, mommy. Don't be mad. It's not Cal fault. It not mommy fault!

Seriously? Who was the adult again?

He ate some chicken nuggets and was happy as could be-- go figure!  I thought I would never hear the end of that one!

After lunch and some playtime, it was time for naps.  I got Andy down and then got a call from a very good friend with some VERY exciting news (yayyyyyyyyy-- this news seriously SAVED this day!).  While I was on the phone with her, I told Cal it was time to go potty before naptime.  We walked into the bathroom (me still on the phone), right up to the potty, and Cal started smirking and said "haha- I peepeed in my pants, mommy!"  This child has NOT had ONE accident in weeks! Maybe even months now! It was almost funny....*almost*

Of course, Cal did not nap today, but he "rested" in his bed for a few hours.  While he was "sleeping"...

The appraiser came back, right when I got him in his bed.  I ran downstairs and the first thing she says to me is "well, you haven't changed your clothes, now have you?" I looked at her, absolutely dumbstruck.  She then decided to clarify by saying, "Well, you were at the gym earlier and you are still in your gym clothes."  Thank you, captain obvious.  I explained that I typically try to shower when the kids are sleeping, and I haven't had a chance to yet today....honestly, did I smell bad or something?  This shouldn't bother me...but it just annoyed me. Don't come into my house-- where we are paying you-- and make a comment about my attire.  For all she knows, I was dressed up for nike shorts...and sneakers.... whatever..... perhaps I am just testy!

After she left, I called the local Sam's Club to speak to the bakery about ordering a cake.  Well, the main line was busy for 10 minutes straight, so I called the pharmacy line, hoping to be connected to the bakery.  They refused to connect me and told me to call back to the main store.  Okayyyyyyy.  Once I got through and was connected to the bakery, the girl on the phone was UNbelievable.  So so so rude.  I was asking about the different sizes of cakes and how many people each size would serve-- nothing too out of the ordinary, given her JOB.  She let out the biggest sigh before each answer and it was almost like you could hear her rolling her eyes at me.  I have never felt someone THAT annoyed with me before! So, I was in mid question and I stopped and said "I am really sorry that I seem to be annoying you so much while you are at work.  Is there someone else with whom I can speak that might be a bit more willing to help me? Perhaps your manager?" She changed her tune at that point, but I was over her and dealing with her (and perhaps people in general) for the day.  I thanked her kindly and hung up the phone, while muttering under my breath about mean people.

Cal was up and full steam ahead by this point so we played for a while until Andy woke up.  I have a million and ten errands to run this week and I wanted to get out of the house this afternoon to run one of them.  I got both kids downstairs, dressed, shoes on, snacks and drinks packed-- and if you have kids, you realize how time consuming this can be. I feel like it is an act of congress to get everyone dressed and out of the house!  We were walking into the garage...and the power went out.  UGHHHHHH! I thought about lifting my garage door manually, but it was pitch black in the garage and I couldn't see where the handle was, and I was worried that I would lift it up and then not be able to get it back down again by myself.  Again, Cal started in with his questions about where are we going? When are we leaving? Why we not leaving now? Sooooo...we stayed put and hung out on the back porch some. Which was fine-- I was fine with this... just annoyed at the wrench in the plans.

The work crew came out in the back yard to work on the electrical box and Cal wanted to see them so we went to the swing set.  We were on it for about 10 minutes when the bugs swarmed us! We got a ton of bites immediately, which spoiled our playtime. 

We came back in and it was getting close to dinner time.  I was planning on making spaghetti and meat sauce-- a difficult task when you have no power...I started to panic a little because I couldn't just hop in the car and go get anything (and Eddie was out of town), so I grabbed some bread and peanut butter and started to make whatever I could throw together- ha.  I also poured myself a glass of wine at this point. 

The power came back on soon after we started dinner and I quickly browned the beef and got everything ready.  It was no Pioneer Women dinner, but it got the job done.  It was Andy's first attempt at spaghetti and he LOVED it!

So, there you have it... my day turned around considerably once the wine was poured, if I am being honest (and I try to always be honest on here).

The day did not go as planned, but hey- that's life, right?  Now that I have written it all out, it sounds so stupid and insignificant.  Oh well... it IS stupid and insignificant....but it's my blog to bitch about it, right??? ;)

Cheers to you all...hope your Mondays weren't hateful!  Bring it, Tuesday!

1 comment:

EMT said...

Carrie - I loved reading this post! Even though it was a day from hell, you made it sound hilarious now! I would have reacted the same (probably worse if we're being honest!). And cheers to you for standing up to the cake lady!! Hope the rest of the week gets better...the worst day is over with!