Sunday, February 26, 2012


I love the classic look of a silhouette.  There is just something so sweet and innocent (and CLEAN-- you can't see how messy their clothes are!). 

Anyway, The Children's Store had a silhouette artist in this weekend so I made an appointment to take the boys.  Not knowing what to expect, I was blown away by the process.  The artist takes a piece of black paper and then free-style cuts out your kids silhouette.  And let's be honest, my munchkins were not sitting perfectly still... in fact, Cal was pretending the chair was a horse and "riding" it.  Andy was crawling over to a display rack to take it apart while I was reigning in Cal's "horse (you like that pun?).  It was chaos, but so easy and quick!  I really like they way they turned out...  I scanned them into the computer and they don't look too good scanned, but you can get an idea of them:

Pretty sweet little nuggets, huh?  And you can't even see the stains....

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