Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Williamson Boys

We've had quite a bit going on around here lately, so I thought I'd do a quick update about each kiddo...

Andy has had a bit of a stomach issue this week.  I wrote the other day about him puking right before bed time, and then again in his sleep, but it has happened several more times since then.  At first I thought something I was feeding him wasn't sitting quite right, but now I am starting to think it's a bug going around.  He hasn't had a fever at all, and he is happy as can be, so I just don't know!  He has thrown up (not just spit up- but actual throw up) about 5 times in total over the past 3 days.  A friend called me earlier today and said that her family has the stomach bug going through it so I began thinking it's a bug.  Hopefully it passes soon!

Andy did sleep through the night last night-- down around 7 and up around 6:45-- woohooo!  BUT, he also did not take an afternoon nap yesterday for more than an hour, so he was exhausted.  The night before he woke up at 5 and I was letting him cry it out and then gave in after a while, worried maybe he had puked.  He did not puke, but instead had a way dirty diaper.  Once I am sure this bug is gone and he is no longer puking, I will resume crying it out.  A few nights ago I was letting him cry it out and it woke up Eddie.  He usually sleeps right through it and never hears a thing.  He couldn't take it!  He wanted to go in to him after 4 minutes of him crying.  Hahaha- bless his heart...

Andy is sooooo close to crawling!  He has been getting on all 4s and rocking back and forth.  He also is starting to put his foot forward while in the crawl position, just like Cal did.  Cal never crawled "normally."  He always had one leg in front... it would be too funny if the boys crawled the same "weird" way!

There are still no teeth for Andy... he has started having a little extra drool, so I am thinking we might see some soon...?  Not sure though...
Andy continues to be the happiest kid ever and is constantly smiling and laughing and watching his big brother.  He loves to be read to and he loooooves some snuggle time (and I do too!).

CalBoy is doing better in the big boy bed than we ever could have hoped!  He has made this wayyyy too easy.  I do not know why, but I am not complaining! He has slept great in the bed and wakes up late every morning.  The first morning he slept until Eddie went in at 8:30, the second morning, we had to wake him at 8:25 for school, and this morning, I started to worry at 9:15 when he still wasn't talking in there, so I went in and he was happy as could be just hanging out in his bed!  Napping is going well too (fingers crossed I am not jinxing this).  He took a four and a half hour nap yesterday in his bed!  CRAZY!  We broke down the crib last night and took it up to the attic. 
As a note to myself, when we are doing this with Andy: we moved a pillow into the crib several months ago and I think that really helped with the transition into the bed.  He was moving all over the crib from one end to the other and the pillow kept him on one end, in position.  He loves to lay on the pillow and now on the bed, I think the pillow helps him feel where he's supposed to be...

We are not potty training Cal right now, since we need to take the transitions once step at a time, BUT, he does go peepee on the potty every time we put him on there, which is mostly just before a bath.  Yesterday, we were downstairs and he pooped (in his diaper) and I didn't have any of his diapers downstairs and I didn't want to run up to grab once since I was cooking dinner, feeding Andy, etc etc, so I just let him play with his pants on with nothing underneath (gasp).  I told him to tell me if he had to peepee and we would go.  About 30 minutes later, he came over to me and said "I need to peepee now" so we went to the bathroom and he peed on the potty!  It was awesome!  Then today we were at the gym and he pooped in his diaper.  The girl came to get me to tell me and I realized that I was driving my dad's car and I didn't  have any diapers with me.  I took off his poopy diaper and then just put his pants back on and told him to tell me if he had to pee.  He didn't want me to leave him in the play room again so we left and ran an errand then came home for lunch.  I didn't say much about peepeeing, just to see if he would tell me.  He didn't have any accidents!  When it was time to go down for a nap, we went to the potty and he peed (quite a bit) and then I put a diaper on him for bed!  We aren't there yet, but I think when we decide to train, we are going to try the "naked" method...which is simply not wearing a diaper/underwear... it helps boys, in particular, learn the sensation of pee.  Could be a total disaster...I'll keep ya posted!  (goody, right??!!)
And last thing about Cal... he seems to have really grown in the past month-- his legs are getting longer by the day, it seems!  Pants that were once super long on him are now high waters... crazy how fast they grow!  Cue the tears....

Eddie was in a slight fender bender on the way home from work Monday night.  No one was hurt, thankfully, but it has been the biggest pain in the rear!  Five cars were involved, so it was messy, but it was really just a little fender bender for the most part.  Well, in the middle of all of the shuffle, the police officer misplaced/dropped/lost Eddie's driver's license...! Not a big deal normally...but Eddie is going out of town this week for work! He can fly with his passport, but he has to have a driver's license to rent a car once he gets where he's going.  Normally, you would be able to go to the DMV, say you lost your ID, and then get a new one.  Nope.  Not any more!  You have to go there and they MAIL you the new card, which can take up to 10 days.  The whole thing is just a mess and SO annoying!  I feel terrible for Eddie having to work and deal with this junk.  Eddie is driving my car today and I am driving my dad's super duty pick up truck.  I am feeling a little bad ass in it :)  Cal loves the truck and keeps asking if we are going to see Poppa- haha!

There's a look at our week!  Fun and busy times around here!

Cal "sharing" his cars with Andy.  By sharing, he piles them all on top of Andy's legs and says "here, Andy, here. you play like this." It is too sweet.  And you know Hank can't miss out on the play time!


EMT said...

I am always amazed at how you make even the most stressful situations positive- its your gift and all 3 of those boys are lucky to have you!

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