Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Potty Post

Y'all sick of posts about peepee and poopoo and potty?


Let me update on the past two days (not that you care at all, but so I can go back and remember this stuff when I'm going through it with Andy...).  Yesterday (Monday) Cal woke up and we put him in underwear.  I sat down to nurse Andy and Cal went into our bathroom while Eddie was in the shower and told him he had to pee.  Eddie started yelling for me, and by the time I pried Andy off and ran down the hall, he had a little accident.  It was very little though, and he was trying to tell us.  I was planning on going to the gym, and this little incident had me nervous.  We got dressed for the day in underwear and pants and headed out.  The girls at the gym are as sweet as can be and they were on board with us trying.  Before I left Cal, I took him into the potty and he went like a champ. 
He stayed dry at the gym and I tried to get him to go before leaving, but he said he didn't have to go, so we left.  I picked up lunch on the way home and he was ready to eat when we arrived at the house.  He climbed up in his chair immediately... I should have made him go pee first-- lesson learned.  He had an accident while eating lunch and watching Mickey-- I think he was so tuned out watching tv that he didn't even realize what he was doing. 
He had a diaper for nap time and then no accidents the rest of the day.

Today, Tuesday, was a school day.  And I was nervous.  He only wanted to wear his big boy underwear to school-- no pull ups, no diapers.  So I let him.  When I got to school, his usual teacher was gone and he had another one filling in.  Luckily, he really likes this woman!  She and the director both encouraged Cal to wear pull ups for the next few times at school until he gets comfortable telling them he has to go.  Basically, they are really trying to avoid accidents on the carpet-- I totally get that!!! So, I put a pull up on him and put his big boy underwear on on top.  He was good to go!  Two of the other boys in his class have started training too, so he was excited since they were wearing pull ups too. 

I was nervous at pickup...the last time we attempted "training" at school he was wearing the school-issued horrible shorts when I picked him up since he had peed through all of the back ups I sent!  When I walked up to the teachers, they immediately asked me if he peed standing or sitting.  I told them he does both.  They said they tried to get him to go sitting, but he did much better standing.  Soooo....does that mean he did okay???? 

He did!  Cal went on the potty and his pull up stayed dry the whole time! YAY! When I got there, I asked him if he had to pee and the teachers told me they took him about 5 minutes before so he should be fine.... well, he walked right into the bathroom and pulled me into a stall.  I lifted him onto the potty and he peed a TON! 

As I was typing that last paragraph, Cal, who is napping, just called out for me saying "I need to go peepee!"  I went in to get him and his pull up is dry.  I took him to the potty, but he didn't go...?  hmmm.....

Adventures in potty training.....................!!!

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