Monday, January 9, 2012

Momma said.....

Momma said there'd be days like this....

And she wasn't lying!  PHEW!  Today has been a rough one, for no real reason.  Andy was up in the night (which is the new norm... more on that one later), but usually he will go back down right away-- this time he was up for a few hours.  So, I am going on little sleep, and my patience is a little thin today!

The boys haven't been bad, per se, they have just been kids-- and it's ME who needs to just get over it.  

We caused many heads to turn at the grocery store this morning.  Cal insisted on holding Andy.  In the cart. While he was strapped in.  Andy didn't want to be held, so he screamed.  As Andy screamed, he lost his balance and leaned on to Cal, which upset Cal, so he screamed, while shoving Andy over to the other side of the cart, which caused Andy's head to hit the side, causing him to scream again.  While he was leaning the other way and screaming, his feet came over and were in Cal's way.  Cal then started screaming "he hurts me! he hurrrrrts!!!"  Which then got Andy even more upset, so he started crying.  I scolded Cal (quietly!) to be nice to Andy, which then made Cal scream.  We couldn't check out fast enough.  

But now, ahhh.... the boys are napping, the house is totally silent except for the sound of the dryer going (I love that noise, by the way...), and I have a People Magazine I am going to read before hopping in the shower.  

I guess there will be days like this, but I love them anyway...

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