Friday, January 13, 2012

I got in trouble

At school on Tuesday, the director was laughing when I went to pick up Cal.  She told me that he just cracks her up... uh-oh.  What did he do??  She said they were playing in the auditorium and he took a ball from another kid and took off running with it.  The other kid was upset and was chasing after him.

She said to Cal: "Cal did you..." and before she could finish the sentence, he dropped the ball, and dropped his head down and said "I so sorry."

The director is telling me this story and just dying laughing because she said it was completely obvious that Cal knew that he shouldn't be doing that, and it was funny to see his conscious kicking in.

We got in the car and I started asking Cal some questions about his day:

I didn't have a chance to talk to Eddie the whole day, so when he got home from work, his first question to Cal was: "How was school today?" And Cal took a bite of his dinner and said, "I got in trouble, daddy, because I tooka the ball." and then he took another bite of food!  Eddie about fell on the floor!  He looked at me like he couldn't believe that his kid a) really just said that long of a sentence, and b) really got in trouble at school. 

I sent my dad the video above and he called that night on facetime to talk to Cal.  When Cal saw him, my dad asked about school, and Cal said "oh, I got in trouble.  I tooka the ball." hahahaha

We are not laughing because he took someone's ball, of course, but it is pretty funny to hear him admit that he got in trouble! Eddie and I both talked to him about getting in trouble and how it's not nice to take things and that we share toys... he kept saying okayyyyy! But I know that will not be the last time he gets in trouble at school!

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