Saturday, December 3, 2011

Cal said whaaa? 2

Cal: "Oh, football on? Okay. GOOOOO!  Run run run! Go NOW! (screaming) Oh, man! Try again! Try again!" (then he walked into the kitchen to get his drink and sigh.)

Getting his haircut this past week, we were telling him what a great job he was doing sitting still like a big boy, etc... Donna, the hair lady, and I said repeatedly "we are sooo proud of you, great job..."

After the haircut, she was brushing off his neck and Cal said "I get pop pop now?" and Donna took him to get a pop pop while I paid.  I told Cal to go tell Donna thank you and he walked over to her and said "thank you, Donna.  I soooo proud of you."  The whole place started cracking up!

We left the haircut place and got in the car.  Cal immediately said "McQueen Mater not working!" so I reached back to turn the screen on and Cal said "there you go, Momma! Great job! There you go!"

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