Monday, November 21, 2011

6 month update

This morning was Andy's 6 month well visit!  Andy has really become SUCH a good little baby.  He very rarely cries and when he does cry, he starts laughing in the middle of it.  He smiles constantly and just goes with the flow! 

I find myself unable to kiss him enough every day.  I just want to sit and smooch him all day long, as in sane as that sounds.

Here are Andy's stats from today:

Weight: 18 pounds 11 ounces---> 75th percentile
Height: 27.75 inches---> 90th percentile
Head Circumference: 45 cm---> 75th percentile
(I am looking for Cal's 6 month post and can't find it anywhere... I will update to compare when I can find it!)

Andy is a big boy...I think he is going to be a giant.  He is wearing a shirt today that Cal is wearing in the 17 month picture on the side of the blog:

The shirt is big on him, but it isn't huge at all... I was cursing myself before for not timing these births better for re-using clothing (not really...but kinda), but the way Andy is going, he will be able to wear Cal's clothes in the right seasons!

As you can see from the above picture, Andy loves to suck his fingers.  He isn't much of a paci guy, but I am just now getting him to take one every now and then.  He prefers his fingers!

Andy is a strong little guy.  The other night, Cal and Andy were laying on a blanket on the floor, and Andy reached up and grabbed a handful of Cal's hair and pulled...HARD!  Cal was screaming like crazy and I couldn't pry Andy's hand open- ha!  Here he is grabbing Cal's you can see, Cal is thrilled: 

Andy loves his big brother and watches him constantly.  He laughs at just about everything Cal does, which isn't always a good thing!  Cal can be misbehaving, and when he sees that Andy thinks it is funny, he thinks he should continue on "entertaining" his brother!  I am going to be in so much trouble when these two can gang up on me....

i am so in love with these two

HAHA- everything about this picture is funny-- Andy latching on to Cal's nose, etc etc...
Andy loves to eat!  He is still nursing, but we are also doing lots of foods and oatmeal.  At the check up today, the doctor told us to start feeding him cereal twice a day, so he will get some at lunch and at dinner.  He likes sweet potatoes, squash, pears, bananas, and peaches.  He has eaten green beans, but only a couple of times.  I don't think they are his favorite, but he doesn't turn them away!  I've been pumping every day to have milk to mix with the oatmeal.  She said today I can mix it with water or even prune juice if he is "in need" of some. 

Wellll...after the 4 month visit, with the doctor's coaching, we let him cry it out and it worked great-- he was sleeping through the night great.  Then we went to Texas and he was a HORRIBLE sleeper-- up multiple times (for multiple hours each time).  We have been trying to let him cry it out since coming home, but it isn't really working.  He will cry for over an hour, fall asleep, and then 30 minutes later wake up screaming again,  It's hard for me because I know if I just go in there and feed him for 20 minutes, he will go back down and sleep through the night.  Should I let him sit in there and scream like crazy?  Or should I just go in?  My pediatrician says to let him cry.  She thinks if I feed him in the night, he will start to think that it's routine to eat in the night and he will expect it.  Which I do agree with her on that...but now that he's 6 months, his little lungs are LOUD!  I am worried he will wake up Cal.  I think we just need to suck it up one night and let him go.  The problem is, when he's screaming, there is no way I can sleep listening to him (Eddie, on the other hand, never hears him! We always wake up in the morning and laugh about it-- he has no idea! ha), so I lay there awake just listening to him... and knowing that if I just went in there, he would crash in 10 minutes... the doc says I have to get right in my head first-- ha!
Napping is still going really well... he is very consistent with his afternoon nap-- both kids are down by one every day and they both sleep about 3 hours.  His morning nap is much more on the fly.  He will nap in his crib if we are home, but it isn't usually for very long.  If we are in the car or out running errands, he will sleep longer.  I don't mind having him take a morning nap like this as long as he continues to go down when Cal does.  I need that time in the afternoon!!!

Andy can roll back to front and front to back.  He is working on sitting up and is getting better and better at it.  He can't hold it for very long, but we are working on that.  The problem with him sitting is he gets excited and jolts back, causing him to fly backwards.... I am always scared he is going to bonk his head, so I surround him with pillows!

Andy really likes books and likes to "read" them with me and Cal.  He likes laying on the floor playing with his little station that has lights and fun things to hit and play with (blanking on word).  He likes anyone talking to him and will light up if you even look his way.  He likes my mom a lot...I think he thinks she is me since we look alike. 

He is not crawling yet, but when he rolls over to his tummy, he will kick his legs and reach with his arms... it seriously looks like he's about to take off.  I am not ready to have a crawler yet!  YIKES! I think we still have a ways for that. 

Teeth- no teeth yet!  He is drooling quite a bit, so I think they will be coming in the next month, maybe?  I don't see any buds forming yet, but we will see....

Andy makes me so happy and I love him more and more every day.  Like I said before, I seriously can not kiss his little cheeks enough!!!

And here is a last picture of my favorite guys... how lucky am I to have them call me momma?

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