Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pics/videos from the iPhone

I always have my phone on me so it is easy to grab quick pictures or videos of the boys... here is what's been going on lately, according to my iPhone!

Every morning, Eddie gets up with Cal and takes him downstairs for breakfast.  Andy and I try to catch a few Zs in bed together (I do love some snuggle time!) before they come back up at 8:00.  When they come back up, Cal joins us in bed.  I LOVE this time with them. Both boys, and usually Hank too, and me, all piled into the bed together.  Cal gets under the covers and is super sweet...

We joke in the family that Cal is going to be a hoarder.  He LOVES his cars (and balls, and golf clubs and...), and he tries to carry as many of them as he possibly can at one time.  It is so cute to see his little chubby hands gripping all of them at once, like he's terrified that they will disappear if he puts one down!
 And here we have one of Cal's "spots" for his hoarding... we call this spot the garage.  It's in the couch, behind the back cushions.  I have found as many as 16 cars stuffed in there before.  Not joking. 

This picture was taken after nap time...we had gone to the pool in the morning, so Cal has some kind of pool/bed head.  I was changing Andy's diaper and Cal wanted to get on the changing table too...ooookkkaaayyyyyyy!

And here's Andy!  He is two months old now (update on that tomorrow!), and he is smiling more and more...like, all the time.  I don't even want to write it, but I think we have turned the corner with his tummy issues.  I will write more on that tomorrow though... we have his 2 month check up in the morning and I am anxious to see the doctor! But, here is my little nugget, smiling away!  Side note: Cal HATED this chair and spent maybe a total of 8 minutes in it his whole life.  Andy LOVES it.  He can rock himself by kicking his little legs and it just cracks him up!

Cal and I went to a birthday party on Sunday for a set of twins in Cal's playgroup.  It was a "pool" party-- they had some kiddie pools in their backyard and the kids all ran and splashed in the water.  Cal was attached to my legs for a good part of it.  He got nice and wet in the pool and then insisted I hold him.  I looked like I wet myself and leaked milk all at the same time. Pretty picture, huh?  Here is Cal sitting next to the birthday girl eating some snacks.  He looks so old to me...

Ummm.... are we in trouble???

Yesterday after naptime, Andy was still down and I was just exhausted for some reason.  I was making cookies for a friend and just wanted some quiet time.  Cal went down at one, and I tried to get Andy down, but he didn't go until 3 and then Cal woke up at 3:20... so 20 minutes of quiet time wasn't enough for this momma!  Anyway, I have written before about Cal's dislike for the TV.  He won't watch it.  He would rather be running around breaking something, swinging something, or hoarding something (haha).  Well, I think he woke up a little premature on this day, so I put in a video of Mater, from the Cars movie.  It's some short film about Mater "tales"... on sale a Target....had to get it.  Cal LOVED it.  I gave him his snack and some juice and he was a happy little guy!  Hank had to help out and I had to take this picture-- a boy and his best bud! They literally sat like that for almost 45 minutes!

And earlier today, I had Andy in the famous aforementioned chair and he was smiling, cooing, and just cracking himself up... I was taking pictures with my phone and then someone else wanted in too...(see second shot)

Here are two videos from the week...

The first was an encounter with a bug--

And the second, I was reading my friend Rachel's blog (hi Rach!) and she did a post about her son playing basketball... Cal came in to watch it and started clapping and cheering.  After watching the video 70 times, I decided to film him watching it.  He now says "basketball" non-stop. 


The Geers said...

Love Love Love this! That video cracked me up when you emailed it to me!! :) Deuce picked up Andy's birth announcement yesterday and walked all over the house pointing at Cal saying "hi!"

Laura said...

Hey Carrie, I love reading your blog. Will you add me so I can keep reading. Those video's of Cal are adorable! My email is LauraEdgerton14@gmail.com.

AMO said...

All these pics are so cute! The one of Hank and Cal melts my heart.

The Schaaf Family said...

Your boys are too cute! Sorry for not leaving my email in the last post...amyeschaaf@gmail.com. Have a great weekend!