Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Cal is starting preschool in the fall, and his school offers a summer camp. There are 3 sessions, one for each month. We signed up for the June session (and hopefully will get into the August one too!). He is going 2 days a week for three hours. I seriously did not know what to do with my time!!!!

Cal cried at drop off... I snuck out without saying bye, and he realized I was gone when /i reached the parking lot, and I could hear him screaming....

He ended up LOVING camp, like I knew he would!

I had to take a quick pic before we left.  This was a big deal!!! He did wear shoes to school....

 When I arrived to pick him up, he was in the auditorium playing, so I went to his class room to get his stuff.  His teacher told me to look at the art on the wall, but to know that it wasn't done yet.  I am SUCH a sucker for this stuff!  I had to take a picture of his masterpiece.  I think it might be a crab...? Again, I am a total sucker for this!
 Cal eats lunch at camp and they change his diaper, etc, so that when I bring him home, he's ready to go right to bed...and he sooooo was!  He was exhausted!!! When he woke up from his nap, he was VERY clingy to me.  I couldn't do a thing without him grabbing onto my legs or climbing up in my lap.  I am not complaining-- I LOVE some snuggle time.  It made it interesting to deal with Andy at the same time, but we survived... Eddie walked in the door and Cal was on my lap, Andy was in my arms (prob nursing), and Hank was laying next to us with his head on my leg.  It was a scene... Here is a picture Cal and I took...

We have camp again tomorrow and I am looking forward to that time again.  It is SO good for Cal to spend time with another adult and other kids.  And it is SO good for me to have some time with just Andy!

1 comment:

The Geers said...

Looking forward to updates on this! We are probably going to have to start daycare soon. xoxo