Monday, May 2, 2011

An unexpected check up and a funny

I wrote in my last post that I was looking forward to my doctor's appointment on Wednesday of this week.  Well, to avoid total TMI, I will just say that this past weekend, I thought maybe my water had broken or that I was having a slow leak.  It was mainly on Saturday, and wasn't bad on Sunday, but was heavy again today, so I called the office and talked to the OB nurse.  She wanted me to come in right away with my hospital bag packed.  Ummm.....!

Well, I went straight there, and didn't pack a bag for the hospital.  I had a feeling it was nothing, but I really wanted just a little peace of mind.  Cal and I walked into the office and saw Stephanie and her daughter Reagan!  I was SO excited to see them there! Reagan is SUCH a good little girl and she had a whole bag of goodies to keep her entertained while in the waiting room.  Being the mess of a mom that I was this morning, I didn't have a thing for Cal.  Luckily, I called my mom on my way to the appointment and she came and got him from the office before I went back. 

My normal doctor wasn't seeing OB today, he was just doing GYN so I had to wait for the doctor who was doing OB-- who happened to be running an HOUR AND A HALF behind schedule today.  Seriously.  I was prepared for the long wait.  I saw my doctor's nurse and said hi to her and she asked what I was doing there.  I gave her the short of it and she walked away while I went back into the waiting room.  Not even 4 minutes later, she was back and calling my name!  She asked my doctor if he would see me and he was happy to!  See?  This is why I love him!

They had to do the strepB test thing anyway so he checked "my fluid" and it was not my water leaking after all (no, I didn't wet my pants either....).  While he was down there he checked to see if there was any progress:

You ready for this?  I am almost 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced!  WOAH! I have a feeling he will be here before the 18th...I'd be willing to bet on it, actually!

I'll keep y'all posted.

Also, about a week before I was going to POP with Cal, I did a post called "Things I have learned while pregnant" or something like that.  I am including that in this post because I am sure many of you can relate to these....again, these were written before I had Cal, so they are different than some of the ones I would write this time around....

Things I have learned about pregnancy:

1. Whoever said it was 9 months is stupid. 40 weeks = 10 months.
2. It is SO hard to shave your legs.
3. You will soon forget what your bikini line looks like...opps.
4. The exhaustion in first trimester returns in the end.
5. The emotions....oh. my. GOSH! out of control.
6. I want to poke out the eyes of anyone who says, "I only gained 18 pounds when I was pregnant..." Literally.
7. Your stomach gets so big in the end, that there's not room to eat a full meal.
8. Getting in and out of a car without grunting is a challenge.
9. EVERYONE wants to share their birthing stories with you. Whether you want to hear them or not.
10. Everyone has advice for a pregnant woman. Some of the advice I have heard (unsolicited):
a. Toughen up your nipples now (I swear, I have heard this from someone... to whom I am NOT related!)
b. Start freezing some food now, you will need it later
c. Don't eat chocolate; it's bad for the baby
d. Put oils on your belly to prevent stretch marks
e. Stretch out your legs now to stay flexible for delivery
(I swear, these are some of the tips I have gotten! These are only SOME of them! hahaha)
11. I will never, NEVER, ask a pregnant woman how much weight she has gained.
12. Swelling can happen at any time....even if you have never swelled in your whole life!

And, if I were to add a few to the list, after this pregnancy, I would say:

13. People will not hesitate to tell you they think you are going to have your hands full.
14. After a woman asked me if I was having number 2 was an "accident" or if I planned on having the kids so close, I will never ask that one (not that I would!)
15. And finally: NO!  I am SO SO SO NOT disappointed that this baby is not a girl!  I can't believe how many people ask me that!!!!  I am just so thankful for a healthy baby!  SERIOUSLY!

Also, I have to include a little picture too.  When I was at the doctor, Cal had lunch over at Grandma's house.  He loves some PB&J and being the little boy that he is, he was trying to tuck some of the sandwich into his pants....?  Maybe to save some for later??  Anyway, he was such a mess that my mom just put him in the sink to get clean.  I walked into the kitchen to find this:

Boys will be boys!!!


Steph said...

I am SO glad to hear everything is okay!! It was so great running into to you at the doctor today and he is JUST WONDERFUL!! Hello...he is why I drive almost an hour to that doctor's office, NOT to have to wait for an hour an a half :) Cal was so sweet today and if I had to "come in right away" to the doctor, I would not have had a bag of goodies either! Take it easy and REST!! :) You look wonderful, obviously! ...and yes, shaving your legs is hard and bikini line? I remembered that for Reagan's swim lessons on Saturday, but that is a WHOLE different story! :)

Kate said...

You are getting so close! And do I really need to stop eating chocolate?!

Jill said...

love your pregnancy list...and the advice and the weight questions and are you really having babies so close together?! laughing so hard cause i have heard it all too. wait until your third is close and then you will get 'are they all yours'
seriously, you look amazing and you are going to do great with your boys! thinking about you during these next few weeks!!!