Monday, February 7, 2011

The weekend alone

I survived!  I was missing my boys like crazy, but it ended up being a blessing: we had THREE showings!  WOOHOOO!

Let me back up.... we knew we had the first showing on Saturday, at 11:30.  I went out to dinner with my parents on Friday night and came home early to mop the kitchen and the hardwoods (quite the exciting Friday night, huh???).  By 10:30, I was pooped, so Hank and I went and got in bed.

I couldn't sleep Saturday morning, so I was up early and showered and started getting my house completely "show ready."  It also happened to be POURING down rain.  I took several tubs of toys out to my car, took out Hank's stuff and was baking some cookies to make the house smell yummy :).  My dad came over to fix a lock on the back door.  It has always worked just fine, but for some reason, the key would not turn, so people would not have been able to get out the back of the house.

In true dad fashion, he fixed the key and was noticing that the back yard was not draining very well because of all of the leaves on the ground (not to mention the torrential downpour that had been going on for hours and hours).  He decided that we needed to go out back and do a little yard work.  In the pouring rain.  I put on my tall Hunter boots and rain coat and out we the rain....raking leaves...less than an hour before the showing.  We dug out the ditch that helps the water flow out of the yard and cleaned off some furniture.  Finally, about 20 minutes before the showing, I said we were done.  I still needed to do one more walk through of the house.  Oh, did I mention that Hank was outside with us and rolled in something...? Not sure if it was poop or dead animal, but he covered himself in something.  Classic, right?

Dad and I went in the house and opps!  He had poop on the bottom of his shoes!  And it was tracked into the bathroom.....refusing to panic, I hauled tail to get him out of the house, get stinky Hank into the car, and my floors wiped down (again), all before the showing!

As I was driving away from my house, I got a call from the showing agency and my heart stopped thinking it was them canceling the appointment after all that!  But, even better, they scheduled another appointment for 3:30!  I went to my parents house and hung out for a while, and made more cookies to have out for the visitors (not sure how many the first group would have taken...!).  I went back over to my house to check on things and get it back in show-order.  You know, make sure lights were on, doors were how they should be, etc.... I could tell the first showing lasted a while-- they ate several cookies (haha), left me a note about the cookies, and I could tell they sat on the couch for a while.  After running through the house top to bottom to checking on everything, I headed back over to my mom's house!

At about 6:45 Saturday night, I got a call for a showing on Sunday!  I was SUPER excited to just have the exposure.  At this point, we had not received feedback from the first two showings so I didn't know if this was someone new, or a repeat visitor.  Turns out, it was a new visitor.

Feedback:  I got both feedbacks from Saturday when I woke up Sunday morning:  The first one I got (not sure which showing it was from) LOVED the house, loved the layout, loved all of the upgrades (um, we don't have any.....), but unfortunately, did not like the lot...I am thinking all of the rain draining off in the back yard was a turn off.  The second feedback said they loved the house, but the layout was not conducive for their family. Understandable!  The third feedback said she liked the house and the layout, but felt there wasn't enough light in the kitchen (um, it's SUPER bright in there!).  But the realtor said he loved the house and would definitely like to show it again to other clients--that's good, right??

So, all in all, it was a productive weekend on the home front, but I didn't really take a whole lot of time to myself.  I didn't care though.  I was working hard and glad I did.  The boys got home on Sunday around 1:30 and I am pretty sure I kissed Cal about a million times.  Is it possible he grew over the weekend?

If you are sick of hearing about the house *stuff* feel free to ignore the blog for a while-- I won't mind! ;)

I turned this before entering it, but can't get it to rotate...oh well!  I left these cookies out at the showings (the plate was full though), and every showing left a note thanking me and in each of the feedbacks we got, it was written how much they enjoyed the cookies!  Isn't that hilarious?  Guess I will keep it up!  I made some extra this weekend and froze them, so the house won't smell like freshly baked cookies, but they can nibble on some while the look around...haha!

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