Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I am feeling a little discouraged this week.  We put our house on the market last Thursday (2 weeks from tomorrow) and right away we had a rush of showings.  6 showings in 7 days!  Then, this past weekend, we did not have one showing.  NOT ONE.  Our last showing was last Friday.  I guess it's normal for home showings to ebb and flow, but it was hard because I was getting used to living "show ready" which is a total pain, but it made getting out of the house at the last minute a lot easier.   Yesterday, our Realtors did a "home tour" where they bring all of the local realtors through a bunch of the houses that are newly listed.  They brought around 50 through our house, so we are hoping that maybe one of them will know of just the right family to show our house to!  We will get feedback from yesterday hopefully today or tomorrow.

But, other than having our house on the market, life does go on!

We had a wonderful Valentine's Day!  We went to the best little restaurant that did a 5 course meal-- I was in heaven!  It was so nice to go out, spend some quality time with my sweet sweet husband (and be reminded that he is, in fact, a sweet sweet man!).  I think often times, we grab a quick dinner, or we eat with friends or go out in a group and we don't get the chance to really reconnect.  We were able to on Valentine's Day, and I was so appreciative of it. 

Cal helped me get ready for my Valentine's date...

I really wanted to get a picture of me and Eddie before we went to dinner,  but our sitter was running late because of traffic and she came from the same way we were going, so we knew we'd be late too, so we skipped the picture and ran out the door.  Oh well... we'll just have to get all dressed up and go out again!

As for the pregnancy, I am 26 weeks today!  Woohoo!  This time is FLYING by (I know, I keep saying that....).  I have officially POPPED.  People are now noticing I'm pregnant and asking me about it.  Before, I think people were just thinking I was getting chubby :) but now it actually looks like there is a baby growing in there!  He is kicking more and more and it gets me excited to meet him...not any time soon though!

Cal started a swim class again this year.  We had our first class last night and he LOVED it!  We took this same class last year and really enjoyed it then too.  It's much harder to do this time though because Cal isn't used to being held...he wanted to get down and go!  Eddie came and watched which was so fun.  Every time Cal did something, he would turn and look at Eddie and yell "DAH-DAH!!!" to make sure he was watching.  SO cute and sweet.  He shot a short video, but it's not very good....Cal is "digging" with his arms, kicking with his legs and blowing some bubbles:

Little did I know, Cal took a massive "bathroom break" on the way to the pool.  He had a HUGE one when he woke up from his nap, so I thought he was all cleared out, but he must have saved a little for the class.  After we were done jumping up and down, bouncing, kicking, etc etc, I took him to the locker room to change him and let out the biggest GASP ever when I saw what I saw in his diaper.... guess the swim diapers work better than I thought they did!  PHEW!  Next class, I will be checking him (and double checking him!) before we get into the water!  How awful could that have been?!?!

After class, we came home and ate some dinner and got a quick bath.  He was still pruney from the pool, but I wanted to get the chlorine (and, let's be honest, the doodoo) all the way off of him.  He was having a great time!

We were singing and started howling like dogs.  Not sure why, but it was reallllllly funny at the time! Here's a video of it:

After bath time, we got jammies on and were playing in his room.  He was WILD by this point.  I think he was exhausted and was hyper and his body didn't know how to handle both at the same time!  He kept running in circles and then falling to the ground.

The sweetest thing ever though, Eddie was able to catch on camera.  I have watched this a million times, and I will continue watching it over and over and over again as the boys get older. 

And finally, one last picture for today.  I updated the "Stuck" post, in case you needed to see more pictures of my child's large head stuck in things.  But, this last picture happened just a few minutes ago.  I was in the kitchen cooking (I am trying to prep dinner now, so I can actually eat dinner at night with the fam), and I could hear him laughing.  It wasn't a happy go lucky laugh....more like a I can't believe I did this again laugh.  Yup.  You guessed it.  For all of those people that said "you can bet he'll never do that again!"  Well...

Sigh.  Gotta love this kid!


Emily said...

I love Cal's bathrobe! So cute! Post a pic of your bump! XO

Unknown said...

Love your blog. So cute, funny and true. Two things I love the most. The polka dots, Cal in his little robe and the picture of you three at the top. Ok, thats 3 things. But Cal's robe shot tops the list. Hilarious!!