Wednesday, October 27, 2010

WOW...thank you!

Thank you all for your comments :) Feels so good to tell you! I feel like I've been keeping a secret for a while now...

I had the 10 week check up today and I told the doctor my concerns about feeling so great (isn't that a weird concern? I should be thrilled!), and he told me that every pregnancy is so different and while some people feel awful, others just feel fine. But, to ease my concerns, he did an ultrasound, so I got to see the little nugget again! YAY!

The technician was super sweet and I told her that if she happened to stumble across any *parts* during the ultrasound, she could share the news....she started laughing and said, "honey, the parts are not formed yet." Opps.... well, maybe later then.

Thanks again for being excited and for the congrats.  We are thrilled and it already feels like time is flying.  CAN WE PLEASE SELL OUR HOUSE?????!!!!  No pressure now!!!!  ACK!

1 comment:

Kelly Jernigan said...


This is great news - you are in good company - I swear just about everyone I know is having a baby in April or May :) I'm putting my money on it being a girl, so we'll see! Congrats!!!

:) Kelly