Thursday, September 2, 2010

Two years ago today....

Two summers ago, I found a lump in my breast (what a way to start a blog entry, right??).  I had my annual obgyn appointment the week after I found it so I had the doctor check it out.  Breast cancer runs in my family so I was a little unnerved by the whole thing.  The doc checked it and wanted me to get an ultrasound on it just to make sure all was okay and to put me at ease.  I had my appointment for the end of August to get the ultrasound (they said I was too young to do a mammogram).

My mom went with me to the appointment and we were sure it was absolutely nothing, and everyone was just being overly cautious. 

The technician started the ultrasound and I noticed a frown on her face and I got a huge pit in my stomach.  She left the room and brought back a doctor with her.  He looked at the screen and said he thought I should get a biopsy on the lump.  uhhhh..... that was NOT what we thought he was going to say. 

I walked back to the waiting room where mom was and didn't say a word.  We went to the car and I just lost it.  I was terrified.  I didn't want to get Eddie worked up, since he can't handle me crying so I pulled it together to call him to fill him in on the outcome of the appointment.  Halfway through the call, I started crying (of course).  My mom took me back to school where I told the school secretary I was going to take the afternoon off to process all of this. 

Playing the "what if" game doesn't do a bit of good, but you really can't help it.  I kept thinking what if this is cancer?  What if I have to start chemo? What if what if what morbid!

I had to call the cancer center to schedule the biopsy and it was a while before they could fit me in, so I had to sit and play the what if game for a couple of weeks.  It made for a quiet birthday celebration, that is for sure!  My whole family had it on their minds, but no one wanted to talk about the what ifs. 

On September 2nd, I went in to the cancer center and had my biopsy...had NO idea how much that one hurt!  Apparently, when you are young and your boobs are perkier and firmer it's harder to maneuver the needle around in there, as opposed to an older woman who has some sag going on (note: this was pre-baby.  I have plenty of sag now...). 

Anyway, to make a long story LONG, we left there and went to the Breast Clinic where I met a doctor who felt my lump and said right away, "that isn't cancer."  Uhhh....couldn't we have seen her first and had her tell us this??  She said she couldn't be certain, but that it didn't "feel" cancerous. 

She was the one who received the biopsy results and called me later that same day to tell me that yes, there was a lump, but that it was not cancerous.  yeeeehaw!  I called everyone in my family and we all cried the happiest tears.

Moral of the story......check your boobies, girls!  And don't take life for granted.   And don't freak out until you have to!


Kate said...

How scary! So happy everything turned out okay!! xoxo

Alyssa said...

So happy everything turned out ok. Life is scary that day you think everything is fine and then the next it isn't.

As a person who was diagnosed with two chronic illnesses in the past year (last year and a few weeks ago), I learned quickly not to take my "good" days for granted. And I feel bad for all the days I took it for granted in the past. It is a hard wake up call for sure! And thank god your test game back good! And you are right...

Check your boobies ladies!!!! =)

Brooke said...

I actually had a lump removed when I was in college. It was scary stuff. I think that is one of the reasons I couldn't breast feed. Glad everything worked out. I am with you....check those tatas!!!

Steph said...

so happy everything is okay! that is so scary!!