Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dear 20s,

Dear 20s,

Tomorrow I will be leaving you behind and joining a new decade.  I am not sad to turn 30, but I do thank you for all of the fun times being in my 20s provided.  The wrinkles on my face cannot be blamed on turning 30.  I am happy to be able to blame them on the fun times on the beach (where I didn't put on enough sunscreen....opps), on the hilarious events that kept me laughing for hours and sometimes days, and even on my frustration working with students (which turned into smile lines once they figured it out!).   Realizing that when I am turning 40, I will not enjoy those wrinkles nearly as much, right now, I wouldn't trade those days on the beach or those happy times for anything. 

After watching the wonder that is The Bachelor Pad last night, I looked at Eddie and said, "I may be turning 30, but at least I am happy with my life right now.  I could be 30 and a contestant on the Bachelor Pad participating in a kissing contest....".  A little perspective, no?

I love you 20s, but it's time to say goodbye!  I have got to rock this next decade :)

1 comment:

Kate said...

happy early birthday! At least you aren't Gwen on The bachelor pad..who won't even state her age! LOL