I can not believe my little guy is
11 months old already! He is going to be a year before we know it! Time is flying by and I swear to you, every month I think it can't get much better, but it soooo does. Cal is getting more and more fun and we fall more and more in love with him every single day. We are so blessed to have this little man in our lives.
Here are some updates at 11 months:
Height: I have no idea (we will get measured next month at our 1 year check up)
Weight: I would guess around 21-22 pounds. He is slimming down now that he's so active
Eating: EVERYTHING! He loves rotisserie chicken, ground beef, ground turkey, etc... he still loves cheese and cheesy toast. He also likes spaghetti and his all time favorite food for right now is graham crackers. He can't get enough!
Bottles: Coming from the kid who wouldn't take a bottle, he is LOVING his milk! I stopped nursing on August 1st. I was planning on finishing on the 2nd (just to have one more day of it), but that was the day that Grandpa passed away and I couldn't get home to nurse anyway, so it worked out well. Cal hasn't looked back once. He loves his bottle and the milk and I am sure would take 10 bottles a day, if we let him. (side note: I thought I had completely....dried up....a few days after we stopped, but then a week to the day, I had these HUGE lumps form and they were SO SO painful....after I got through those, I was dried up :) tmi..???)
Walking: Cal has walked, as I posted in the video, but he still prefers to crawl. He will walk to one of us, and is walking more and more on his own. It is so fun to watch him venture out on his own and walk away from whatever it is he is using as support. Crawling is still faster, but I would imagine by next month, he'll be walking everywhere....YIKES!
Talking: We have a little chatterbox on our hands! He doesn't say a lot, but he is passionate about whatever it is he's trying to get out. It looks like he's preaching because his hands are waving and his face is real serious. He will say dogdog while pointing at Hank, he says lighhhht, Mommmm and Daddad. He says a few other things that we think are words, but we might be giving him a tab more credit because we are bias :)
Tomorrow, Eddie and I are leaving for a vacation...just the two of us! We are leaving Cal with my parents. They are going to be FINE. They are going to have such a great time together. It's not them I am worried about! Eddie had a golf trip this past weekend and he came home and said, "you are going to have a really hard time leaving him next week." That is NOT what I need to hear! We had a little *chat* after that about encouraging words vs. words that make me want to cry. We both agreed to be positive about it all :) It is going to be wonderful for us to have some alone time too. I am taking 5 books. As Zac Brown band says, I am going to have "my toes in the water, ass in the sand," and I am going to be loving it!