Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Museum!

who is that guy??

Cal and I ventured out to the Museum of Life and Science today to meet our friends, Kelly and Wyatt. I have heard wonderful things about this museum and I was not disappointed.

Cal didn't really take a morning nap, so he was kinda sleepy when we got there, but he LOVED all of the different activities! It was funny, the boys (who are one month apart-Cal was born in Sept, and Wyatt in Aug- although Kelly and I had the same due date), didn't really care a thing about the other one. They were into all of the different things to see and do and explore. They are both active and were crawling all over the place. It was almost impossible to get a picture of them together!

After we visited the different learning stations (yes, I realize the boys were not learning anything, but it was still really cool to watch them take it all in), we headed into the area that houses live animals like birds and snakes and turtles. Cal loves birds so this was fun to watch.

The museum has a little kids' area that we went to next. Within that area, they have a toddler area where everything is safe for the little ones to roam and explore. It was awesome!!! The boys were all over the place, although Cal was a little timid at first and stuck by my side.

Here are some pictures from the day...exploring around

Cal and Wyatt: figuring things out

Getting up on tip toes to reach!

I just love his little body in this one....

What a fun day! Whew!

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