Monday, July 19, 2010

10 Months Old!

Cal boy is 10 months old! I just can't get over it....before we know it, we'll be celebrating his FIRST birthday (to all you local folks, I have already set the date: September 19th!).

Mr. Smiles (as my dad calls him) is SUPER active and into everything. He crawls at an alarmingly fast speed (and it is still the unconventional crawl with one leg forward) and pulls up on everything. He loves to pull up and let go and see how long he can stand on his own. He has two new push toys that he loves to push around the house, and then let go of with his hands in the air.

Everyone kept telling me that it just keeps on getting better.... they are so right. I would have sworn to you 3 months ago that it couldn't get any better because he is just so much fun, but I am telling you, 10 months is SO MUCH FUN! Every day is an adventure and I love to watch him discover new things. He is SOOO much fun now. I love it :)

Sleeping: we are making all kinds of progress! Ever since we started weaning and giving him a bottle of milk at night, he's been sleeping through the night-- it is AWESOME! He is still taking two really good naps a day (usually about 2 hours each).

: Cal has NO issues in this department! He loves pretty much everything! Graham crackers are on the top of the list and he love ground meat (beef and turkey). He still loves cheese and we just discovered he loves some spaghetti--hilarious to watch him eat this! We are giving him yogurt in the morning and then nursing for morning nap, a snack when he wakes up, veggies at lunch, some milk for nap time, and then a big dinner and milk before bed. My sweet boy loves to eat!

Sippy Cup
: Cal loves his sippy cups! He chugs from them and when he's done, he tosses them over his shoulder. I don't want him to get dehydrated in the heat, so I have sippy cups of water all over the house. He will push his little cart over to one and chug from it, toss it aside, and then push on over to his next mess to make. He is also now (finally!) taking a bottle-- I just give him one a day, at night, before bed. He is not to fond of milk in the sippy cup.
Crawling: anywhere, everywhere, anytime. He just wants to be moving. Constantly.
Words: He points to Hank and says something similar to doggah and says mum mum all the time. He also still says dadada and will point and a bird and say bur. Other than that, he will carry on a full conversation with himself pretty much everywhere!

Walking: He is a great "cruiser" and will cruise around everything! He walks while holding our hands, but doesn't really need our hands very much. He can stand on his own now (and get into that position without holding onto anything), but once he realizes he is standing on his own, he will drop to his butt pretty fast.

We are falling more and more in love with this little boy each and every day. I didn't think it was possible to love this much.....

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