Sunday, June 13, 2010

Weekend Update

It was a busy weekend in the Williamson household!

We hosted a couples shower on Saturday night for dear friends of ours, who are sadly moving to Philadelphia next week! Their baby is due in September and we are super excited for their growing families, and sad that we will not be closer to witness it firsthand.

On Friday, two friends (Andrea and Julie) came over to make the favors for the party and to tie up a few loose ends. I had such a great time with them. Sometimes, just sitting around with great friends makes for the best time. They came over at 10:45 and didn't leave until almost 3. It was just what I needed.

In in effort to get Cal's sleeping back on track, I decided to switch up some of his nap times. He was going down for his afternoon nap at 3...therefore, waking up at 5 or 5:30 and then going back down again at 7 or 7:30. I moved that nap to 1, and he went down like a champ....he did not, however, sleep through the night.

Eddie was also playing in a golf tournament this weekend, and on Friday night, we had a kick off party...actually, it was called a pairings party, where they announce who will be playing in which groups. After they announce that, the groups all get together to discuss their handicaps, etc, and then the foursomes are "auctioned" off. It was....interesting to watch it all happen. MUCH more for the guys playing than for their spouses, that is for sure! :) Eddie was in heaven and I enjoyed watching him. We had a babysitter--someone new--and it went perfectly well! She was wonderful and super trustworthy and I felt totally comfortable with her keeping Cal. Cal is at a great stage where he will go to anyone and he will smile at everyone, so when we left he was singing to Liz-- super cute! We got home early, 9:30, and the house was quiet! She got him down without a fight!

Saturday, I ran around like a crazy person trying to get ready for the shower that night. Cal was going to be spending the night at Grandma and Grandpa's house....ACK! His sleeping habits have been HORRIBLE lately and I was really worried about my mom. I also had to run the last minute things over to the house where the party was being held, AND get Cal all ready with his bag, etc, AND get me all ready, AND pump enough milk for the overnight party he was about to have!

I got myself ready during nap time, ran like crazy getting everything else ready, and was pumping right before I ran out the door. I got to my mom's house and realized that I left the bottle (the ONLY kind the kid will take) on the drying rack on my kitchen counter. I could have gone back home to get it, but the party was right near my house and I would have been late(r) if I was driving back and forth. Mom found another (different kind of) bottle and swore she'd be fine and sent me on my way.

The party was a HUGE hit and we had a great time. It was just so much fun to spend that time with my really good girl friends laughing and talking and enjoying each other. I didn't worry about Cal at all and I was REALLY looking forward to sleeping through the night.

After clean-up and getting home (and pumping....AGAIN! whew), I was sound asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I was thinking about Cal, but knew Mom was fine with him :).

At 1:00, the thunder rolled in. I have posted in the past about how much Hank loves a good thunder storm. And by loves, I mean he is terrified. Isn't that some kind of irony? The ONE night where we are so excited to sleep through the night and we are up with the dog??? I got up and gave him a benadryl and then got back in bed. His cries did not stop and he was banging his head on the side of the bed over and over and over again (the whole bed shakes). Finally, Eddie got up and put him in the nursery with the door closed (the blinds were down so he couldn't see the lightning). Well, the smarties that we are, we didn't realize that the baby monitor was on, so when Hank started crying again, the monitor brought his cries right into our bedroom. We both had to laugh at that one.

I woke up at 6 in some pain-- Cal has been getting up every single night to nurse (well, I try not to nurse him, but that is the only thing that will knock him back out!), so I was really full by 6. I went downstairs to pump and then was back asleep until Eddie woke me up at 9. He was ready to go get his baby! I was loving sleeping! We called my mom and put the on the speaker phone.
Our conversation:
me: how'd it go??
mom: I do not know how you do that every night.
me: that good, huh?
mom: Carrie, how are you not exhausted every single day?
me: I am just used to it, I guess. Was he that bad?
mom: He wasn't "bad" at all, but he was sooooo active! I just don't know how you function after night after night of that!

Apparently, Cal woke up at 12, and mom cuddled him and brought him into bed with her (mistake one). He fell right back asleep in the bed, but woke up at 1:30 SUPER excited to see his grandma laying there. He started climbing all over her and trying to stick his hand in her mouth (he thinks this is the best game ever). Every time she would open her eyes, he would get a fit of the giggles and not stop laughing. She would put him in his crib and he would start screaming and jumping up and down. As soon as she would walk into the room, he would start laughing. This went on until about 5.

All I have to say: WELCOME TO MY WORLD! I really, honest to goodness, think that my child is going to be a late night talk show host! He loves to socialize at all hours of the night!

We have broken him of these sleep habits in the past and we will do it again, I swear. It's going to take some tough love though. And maybe some ear plugs....

He did sleep until 8 and he was exhausted when he came home, but wasn't quite in the mood for a nap. We went to the pool for about an hour, just to wear him out even more. I loaded him up in the car and he was asleep before I made the first turn leaving the neighborhood. We came straight home and he took a 3 hour nap.Sleeping on the way home from the the little tan legs and the shirtless baby-- sweetest little thing :)

We've been giving him Tylenol to help with his teething, etc, but a friend today suggested IBproferen instead. She said it lasts up to 8 hrs and is much better for babies that are cutting teeth. I just gave him a dose of that and he is sleeping away right now....fingers crossed for a good night!

Here are some pictures from Tiffani and Peter's Shower:
Hope everyone had a great weekend! Sorry this post is so long....I think I am a bit long-winded! Maybe tomorrow I will do a post about what a GREAT night's sleep we had over here.....??? maybe????? please???

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