Sunday, May 16, 2010

Thunder and the Dog: a timeline of events

(someone told me that putting a t-shirt on a dog when they are scared will calm them down.... it didn't work.)
7:00 Cal goes down without a fight--sigh!
11:00 Carrie and Eddie go to bed (I know-- we are some wild ones on a Sat. night!)
12:00 Hank hears thunder
12:05 Carrie gets up with Hank and gives him Benadryl
1:00 Eddie hears Hank howling and isn't excited about him being up
1:05 Eddie puts Hank in the bathroom with the door shut
1:06 Hank starts headbutting the door over and over again, apparently not excited about being in the dark room alone.
1:15 Carrie takes Hank downstairs to the guestroom to calm him down
1:30 Carrie is on the ground holding Hank and finally gets him calm and asleep
1:35 Cal wakes up. Eddie stands at the top of the stairs letting me know that he's awake. This upsets Hank, and thus the howling starts all over again.
2:00 Carrie gets Cal down
2:30 Carrie gets Hank back calm
3:00 round 2 of the storm passes through-- even more thunder
3:05 Carrie gives Hank yet another dose of Benadryl
4:00 Carrie finally gets Hank asleep
6:00 Cal wakes up and is ready to start the day!

PS-- I should mention that both Eddie and I have the cold that Cal had all last week-- horrible cough, etc..... this night did not help things :)

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