Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

It was my first *real* Mother's Day and it was quite special. I feel incredibly blessed to have such a loving family around me. I am super blessed to have my mom so close to help me with this rollercoaster that is motherhood. In fact, I wrote her a letter apologizing for being such a brat when I was younger and giving her such a hard time growing up. I can understand now how she loved me throughout it all, but I can also understand how much I must have hurt her along the way. She is an incredible woman and I can only hope and pray that my kids will look up to me the way my brother and I look up to her.

Sunday was a great day. The previous post explains the morning. After Cal's morning nap (actually, I think he was too excited about the lot to sleep. He opted out of nap time.), we went over to the new neighborhood and walked over to the new lot! I loved being with my boys and just walking and talking-- perfect for me!

We spent some time outside then headed home for Cal's afternoon nap (all of 45 mins....). After he woke up, we went over to my parent's house to celebrate with the family. It was such a special day. Here are some pictures from the afternoon...

1 comment:

Chats with Jack said...

You are so blessed to have your mom nearby! I'm glad you appreciate that. What adorable pictures!!