Sunday, April 18, 2010

Time to take down the mobile....

Mr. Cal was supposed to be taking a nap the other afternoon and I was letting him "cry it out" (something we are STILL doing on a daily basis!). He was doing his thing, screaming like there was a monster in his room, when all of a sudden, it fell silent. I was listening on the monitor and thought he finally gave in and went to sleep. Then I heard the mobile music playing....I didn't put the mobile on. I started kind of panicking that someone was up there (I am a worrier, what can I say?!). When I looked at the video monitor, Cal had ahold of the mobile and was lassoing the little dogs around his head, propelling them around and around, making the music play. It was too cute.

Here is a picture from the video monitor (hard to see with the lines), but you can see he has ahold of the mobile....

I took this one when I went in to get the mobile out of his hands. He was having a blast:
This is a result of me taking the mobile away:
And this is a result of all of the crying:


1 comment:

Chats with Jack said...

I love the picture of him screaming! Doesn't it make you chuckle a bit? Holden is still screaming bloody murder at every nap. Sometimes he just yells. It's funny to me that they can be so little, and yet so mad. Keep up the good work! You have such a happy baby!